Hi Theo, Sorry, I'm not available tomorrow or Thursday, next week Tuesday would work. Just to be sure, I still think we can still do most of our routine issue resolution work asynchronously via JIRA and the mailing list. But if it makes sense to occasionally have teleconferences too, that's OK, and a first call to discuss how we will work could be more efficient. Kind Regards, Pim On 22-05-17 13:15, Theo Kramer wrote: Hi Pim This sounds like a way forward. I would add that the we re-instate a telecon meeting on this asap with part of the agenda discussing a schedule of further telecon meetings until at least the most pressing issues have been resolved. Would such a first meeting at say 19h00 UTC either this week Tuesday or Thursday be suitable ? We could use any of the freely available telecon apps such as skype, whatsapp or google hangouts for this. On 22 May 2017, at 11:49 , Pim van der Eijk <
pvde@sonnenglanz.net> wrote: Dear all, In March 2016 we agreed to to use the OASIS JIRA to handle the issues with our ebMS3 Part 1, 2 and AS4 profile specifications, instead of having TC teleconferences. Since then, we have only added more issues but have not resolved any. There are now 7 "open" issues and 49 "new" issues. AS4 is getting more traction in the market and more vendors are implementing it, and some of the same questions keep coming up with each new vendor that implements AS4 or needs to test its product with a different vendors. I think re-starting our issue handling process is long overdue. Since there are quite a few issues, not all of which are as important or urgent as others, and since we all have limited time, I would like to make the following proposal: 1) we try to fix a few issues each month. 2) any TC member can propose one or two issues (s)he wants to resolve on the TC mailing list. 3) TC members comment on the JIRA in the following weeks 4) we aim to close each proposed issue within a month Since we are a small team, we would be closing a few issues each month, most urgent ones first, and with a minimal workload we could finish the work in one year. Would this work? It's just a proposal, any better idea welcome. Since I'm currently working on supporting an implementation of Pull, for me this month's issues of interest are EBXMLMSG-97 and EBXMLMSG-98. Kind Regards, Pim --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
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