OASIS Charter Submission Discuss

Proposed Charter for OASIS OAXAL TC

  • 1.  Proposed Charter for OASIS OAXAL TC

    Posted 05-12-2008 13:28
    To OASIS Members:
      A draft TC charter has been submitted to establish the Open Architecture for
    XML Authoring and Localization  (OAXAL) Technical Committee. In accordance with
    the OASIS TC Process Policy section 2.2: 
    (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process-2008-02-05.php#formation) the
    proposed charter is
    hereby submitted for comment. The comment period shall remain open until 11:45
    pm ET on 26 May 2008. 
      OASIS maintains a mailing list for the purpose of submitting comments on
    proposed charters. Any OASIS member may post to this list by sending email to:
    mailto:oasis-charter-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org. All messages will be publicly
    archived at: 
    http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/oasis-charter-discuss/. Members who wish to
    receive emails must join the group by selecting "join group" on the group home
    http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/oasis-charter-discuss/. Employees
    of organizational members do not require primary representative approval to
    subscribe to the oasis-charter-discuss e-mail.
      A telephone conference will be held among the Convener, the OASIS TC
    Administrator, and those proposers who wish to attend within four days of the
    close of the comment period. The announcement and call-in information will be
    noted on the OASIS Charter Discuss Group Calendar.
      We encourage member comment and ask that you note the name of the proposed TC
    (OAXAL) in the subject line of your email message. 
    Mary P McRae
    Manager of TC Administration, OASIS
    email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org  
    web: www.oasis-open.org
    phone: 603.232.9090
    OASIS Open Architecture for XML Authoring and Localization Reference Model
    (OAXAL) Technical Committee
     (1)(a) The name of the TC, such name not to have been previously used for an
    OASIS TC and not to include any trademarks or service marks not owned by OASIS.
    The proposed TC name is subject to TC Administrator approval and may not include
    any misleading or inappropriate names. The proposed name must specify any
    acronyms or abbreviations of the name that shall be used to refer to the TC. 
    OASIS Open Architecture for XML Authoring and Localization Reference Model
    (OAXAL) Technical Committee
    (1)(b) A statement of purpose, including a definition of the problem to be
    OAXAL represents a method to exploit technical documentation assets by extending
    the usefulness of core XML-related standards in a comprehensive Open Standards
    based architecture. 
    The OAXAL allows system builders to create an integrated environment for
    document creation and localization, with reference to the following
    international standards:
    W3C ITS - an XML vocabulary that defines translatability rules for a given XML
    document type.
    xml:tm - XML-based text memory, a LISA OSCAR standard for author and translation
    memorySRX - Segmentation Rules eXchange, an XML vocabulary defining segmentation
    rules for each language.
    GMX - Global Information Management Metrics Exchange, a LISA OSCAR standard for
    word and character count and metrics exchange.
    TMX - Translation Memory eXchange, a LISA OSCAR standard for exchanging
    translation memories.
    Unicode TR29 - primary Unicode standard defining word and sentence boundaries.
    DITA -  Darwin Information Typing Architecture, an OASIS standard for component
    based XML publishing
    XLIFF - XML Localization Interchange File Format, an OASIS standard for
    exchanging localization data
    The OAXAL TC will deliver an Open Architecture for XML Authoring and
    Localization Reference Model. 
    This Reference Model will demonstrate the integration of the standards listed
    above to present a complete automated package from authoring through
    translation. Authors are provided with a systematic way to identify and store
    all previously authored sentences. Authors are encouraged to reuse existing
    sentences; such sentences are likely to have been previously translated,
    providing a means to increase translation matches.
    Once the Reference Model has been delivered, the TC may consider appropriate
    follow-up, including the creation of sub-committees, promotional material,
    liaisons or other promulgation of the TC's work, in order to promote the use of
    the OAXAL Reference Model in specific OAXAL implementations, in particular for
    vertical industries.
    (1)(c) The scope of the work of the TC, which must be germane to the mission of
    OASIS, and which includes a definition of what is and what is not the work of
    the TC, and how it can be determined when the work of the TC has been completed.
    The scope may reference a specific contribution of existing work as a starting
    point, but other contributions may be made by TC Members on or after the first
    meeting of the TC. Such other contributions shall be considered by the TC
    Members on an equal basis to improve the original starting point contribution. 
    The TC will:
    -- deliver an Open Architecture for XML Authoring and Localization Reference
    Model and, if it elects, ancillary materials as described under "purpose" above.
    -- allow the commission of sub-committees to create specialized OAXAL models for
    vertical industries or technology families.
    -- propose usage and implementation guidelines for creating specializations of
    the reference model, whether as a formal methodology or as best practice
    In no event shall this Technical Committee finalize or approve any technical
    specification if it believes that the use, distribution, or implementation of
    such specification would necessarily require the unauthorized infringement of
    any third party rights known to the Technical Committee, and such third party
    has not agreed to provide necessary license rights on perpetual, royalty-free,
    non-discriminatory terms.
    Benefits of OAXAL
    OAXAL offers the following benefits:
    .	Supports the DITA topic-oriented architecture
    .	Supports content reuse among different deliverables
    .	Supports author memory repository at the sentence level
    .	Encourages consistency in authoring
    .	Enhances the reuse of translation memory 
    .	Reduces translation cost and time
    .	Automates a heretofore manual process
    (1)(d) A list of deliverables, with projected completion dates.
    1. Reference Model: completion date in twelve months from formation of this TC.
    2. Specializations of the Reference Model, possibly including reference
    architectures, for vertical industries, technology families or other special
    interest groups: optional.
    (1)(e) Specification of the IPR Mode under which the TC will operate.
    RF on Limited Terms
    (1)(f) The anticipated audience or users of the work.
    Anyone involved in the design, documentation or implementation of XML-based
    Structured Authoring Localization systems or components thereof, regardless of
    the standards body under which the work is sanctioned.
    (1)(g) The language in which the TC shall conduct business.
    (2) Non-normative information regarding the startup of the TC, which includes: 
    (2)(a) Identification of similar or applicable work that is being done in other
    OASIS TCs or by other organizations, why there is a need for another effort in
    this area and how this proposed TC will be different, and what level of liaison
    will be pursued with these other organizations.
    OAXAL comprises the following Open Standards from the relevant Standards
    ITS - Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Version 1.0 (03 April 2007). 
    Status: W3C Recommendation. 
    Purpose: ITS is designed to be used with schemas to support the
    internationalization and localization of schemas and documents. 
    xml:tm - XML Text Memory (xml:tm) Version 1.0 (26 February 2007). 
    Status: LISA OSCAR Standard. 
    Purpose: xml:tm is a vocabulary to store text memory information within an XML
    document using the XML namespace syntax.
    SRX - Segmentation Rules eXchange (SRX)  Version 1.0 (20 April 2004). 
    Status: LISA OSCAR Standard (version 2.0 currently under review). 
    Purpose: SRX is an XML-based standard for description of the ways in which
    translation and other language-processing tools segment text for processing.
    TMX - Translation Memory eXchange format (TMX) Version 1.4b (26 April 2005). 
    Status: LISA OSCAR Standard (version 2.0 currently under review). 
    Purpose: TMX provides a standard method for describing translation memory data
    that is being exchanged among tools and/or translation vendors, while
    introducing little or no loss of critical data during the process.
    GMX - Global Information Management Metrics eXchange Volume (GMX-V) Version 1.0
    (26 February 2007). 
    Status: LISA OSCAR Standard. 
    Purpose: GMX-V defines the metrics that allow for the unambiguous sizing of a
    given Global Information Management task. GMX-V is one of the tripartite Global
    Information Management standards which encompass volume (GMX-V), complexity
    (GMX-C) and quality (GMX-Q). GMX-V addresses the issue of quantifying the
    workload for a given localization or translation task.
    Unicode Technical Report #29, Text Boundaries forms an integral part of the
    Unicode Standard, but is published online as a separate document. Current
    Version 5.0.0 (12 October 2006). 
    Status: Unicode Technical Report (Version 5.1.1 currently under review). 
    Purpose: Unicode TR#29 Describes guidelines for determining default boundaries
    between certain significant text elements: grapheme clusters ("user-perceived
    characters"), words, and sentences.
    XLIFF - XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF) Version 1.2 (24 July
    Status OASIS Standard. 
    Purpose: XLIFF defines a vocabulary to store localizable data and carry it from
    one step of the localization process to the other, while allowing
    interoperability between tools.
    DITA - Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) Version  v1.1 (1 August
    Status OASIS Standard. 
    Purpose: DITA defines both a) a set of document types for authoring and
    organizing topic-oriented information; and b) a set of mechanisms for combining
    and extending document types using a process called specialization.
    (2)(b) The date, time, and location of the first meeting, whether it will be
    held in person or by phone, and who will sponsor this first meeting. The first
    meeting of a TC shall occur no less than 30 days after the announcement of its
    formation in the case of a telephone or other electronic meeting, and no less
    than 45 days after the announcement of its formation in the case of a
    face-to-face meeting.
    Proposed Date: 14 July 2008 11 am
    (2)(c) The projected on-going meeting schedule for the year following the
    formation of the TC, or until the projected date of the final deliverable,
    whichever comes first, and who will be expected to sponsor these meetings.
    The TC will meet bi-weekly unless decided otherwise by the TC. 
    The TC will use a free conference call service.
    (2)(d) The names, electronic mail addresses, and membership affiliations of at
    least Minimum Membership who support this proposal and are committed to the
    Charter and projected meeting schedule.
    JoAnn Hackos - joann.hackos@comtech-serv.com - ComTech Services Inc
    Andrzej Zydroń - azydron@xml-intl.com - Associate
    Tony Jewtushenko - tony.jewtushenko@productinnovator.com - Associate
    Arle Lommel - arle@lisa.org - Localization Industry Standards Assoc. (LISA)
    Mavis Cournane - mcournane@cognitran.com - Cognitran
    Bryan Schnabel - bryan.s.schnabel@tek.com - Individual
    Rodolfo Raya - rmraya@maxprograms.com - Associate
    (2)(e) The name of the Convener who must be an Eligible Person.
    Andrzej Zydron
    (2)(f) The name of the Member Section with which the TC intends to affiliate, if
    (2)(g) Optionally, a list of contributions of existing technical work that the
    proposers anticipate will be made to this TC.
    (2)(h) Optionally, a draft Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document regarding
    the planned scope of the TC, for posting on the TC's website.
    (2)(i) Optionally, a proposed working title and acronym for the specification(s)
    to be developed by the TC.
    Open Architecture for XML Authoring and Localization Reference Model (OAXAL-RM)