OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency] Unique Message Identifiers in CAP

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] Unique Message Identifiers in CAP

    Posted 03-27-2004 14:29
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] Unique Message Identifiers in CAP

    On Mar 26, 2004, at 6:48 PM, Art Botterell wrote:
    > At 4:59 PM -0500 3/26/04, R. Allen Wyke wrote:
    >> With all due respect, there is a dimension to building systems that  
    >> support standards, and therefore building standards that can be  
    >> supported, that not everyone has experience with nor are they  
    >> expected to.
    > With equal respect, I'm not sure we all know enough about each others'  
    > experiences for any of us to claim superior standing on that basis.
    As well you shouldn't, which is what prompted the need for me to make  
    the statement.
    >> An interface is built, however it is impossible to connect with other  
    >> systems in a standard (official) way as that means of connection has  
    >> not been defined.
    > Well, as mentioned earlier, isn't that really an Infrastructure issue?
    It is an issue that the IF SC has been assigned to provide information  
    back on, which that have done to some degree. It is certainly, as I  
    think you are implying, time to take next steps with that now that CAP  
    1.0 is finished from a content standpoint.
    > Anyway, seems like DMIS is fairly "official"... unless what we really  
    > mean by that is "our own"... and quite a number of folks have managed  
    > to connect successfully to that.  Have you tried it?
    That is not the issue. Do not confuse "official", as in something built  
    by someone, with something that has been through the OASIS process via  
    the EM TC. DMIS, as it pertains to the EM TC, is not official.
    >>  Your ethical responsibility as a standards developer is to put a  
    >> usable standard out there for people to implement, and then seek to  
    >> improve it.
    > Guess I'm not clear on what your criterion for "usable" is.  A number  
    > of folks are using the CAP format right now... several of them daily  
    > and in significant volume.
    I am, in as simply a way as I know how to say, referring to two  
    completely different systems who did NOT have offline conversations  
    being able to exchange CAP alerts. An analogy would be point to  
    supporting HTML (author/user agent).
    > Again, I think what you're talking about isn't the CAP messaging  
    > format but some other Infrastructure standard that we've yet to  
    > devise.  Perhaps eventually it could all be rolled together into  
    > something that came closer to your preferred definition of "protocol",
    Yes, that is what I am saying. If you want to call it an Infrastructure  
    standard, or whatever, that is fine. As I have stated before, how this  
    situation manifests itself into a normative and actionable state in  
    terms of a standard can vary, but right now I consider that secondary  
    to acknowledging and continuing to work on/discuss the technical  
    > but we'll have to get the missing bits before that becomes an option.
    Not sure what you mean by this - "missing bits." Just look at the DMIS  
    implementation that people connected to. Talk all the discussions that  
    happened, what was the technical result of those discussions, plus all  
    the lessons learned and you have a great start on turing this into  
    something official, which takes care of my issues as well as others who  
    have expressed them.
    > - Art
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    > of the OASIS TC), go to  
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