OASIS Emergency Management TC

[emergency] RE: OGC UoM Best Practices guidance

  • 1.  [emergency] RE: OGC UoM Best Practices guidance

    Posted 03-29-2006 15:30
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: [emergency] RE: OGC UoM Best Practices guidance

    At the risk of catching a ration of flame from 
    most all sides involved with this discussion, I 
    tend to favor two ways of dealing with units of 
    1. Specify that uom be specified either in the 
    specification or that each implementation must 
    specify what uom it uses, mandatory--and in web 
    services, you just don't partner with companies 
    whose uom in their wsdl does not match up with 
    2. Specify metric system, period.
    Both are aimed at letting the marketplace enforce 
    the standard, but Darwinism has a bad name in 
    these parts, since it inevitablly means letting 
    chips fall where they may, and in these parts 
    chips are people so both of these are 
    In the choice arena between the concerns of 
    programming realities on the ground versus 
    getting critical information correct in critical 
    moments, I tend to fall on the side of insisting 
    on putting the burden on the quality assurance 
    cycles in software development and test the bleep 
    out of every last thing and just keep testing 
    till it works 95% of the time. (Reality says 80% 
    flies, but in this case, I have to remind folks 
    that in these parts chips are people.)
    At 10:42 AM -0700 3/28/06, Carl Reed OGC Account wrote:
    >As I mentioned.
    >Carl Reed, PhD
    >CTO and Executive Director Specification Program
    >The OGC: Helping the World to Communicate Geographically
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    >"The important thing is not to stop questioning." -- Albert Einstein
    >Attachment converted: Macintosh 
    >HD:Units_of_Measure_Rec#10783E.pdf (PDF /�IC�) 
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    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-849-2309

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