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Subject: [wsia] Agenda and call-in numbers for Friday 3/29 WSIA telecon
Agenda and call-in infomation for Friday 3/29 WSIA telecon
1. Roll-call and minutes
2. Brief report from Sean on his talk on WSIA at OMG workshop
3. Update on April F2F logistics and agenda (Royston, Charlie)
4. Discussion of alignment with WSRP TC
-- summary of first WSRP F2F March 18-20
-- proposal for WSIA/WSRP joint subcommittee to do base interfaces
-- proposal for joint F2F meetings, beginning with June 24
5. Current draft of requirements for Embedded use case: Alan and RIch
6. Current draft of requirements for Customized use case: Eilon and Ravi
Call in number is: 1-888-282-2156, pc 572602
International: 712-247-0358
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