OASIS Emergency Management TC

RE: [emergency] Subcommittee Assignments

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] Subcommittee Assignments

    Posted 11-04-2005 14:46
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    Subject: RE: [emergency] Subcommittee Assignments

    I will review the comments and pass along my thoughts to the IF SC. I
    will be traveling to LA on Tuesday and cannot be on the teleconference
    calls that day. 
    Tom Merkle
    CapWIN:        www.capwin.org 
    Phone:        (301) 614-3720
    Cell Phone:   (240) 375-1966
    Fax:          (301) 614-0581
    e-mail:       tmerkle@capwin.org
    6305 Ivy Lane Suite 300
    Capital Office Park
    Greenbelt, MD 20770