OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

Chris Wong -- comment on Catalog discussion

  • 1.  Chris Wong -- comment on Catalog discussion

    Posted 09-06-2005 21:32
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    Subject: Chris Wong -- comment on Catalog discussion

    Seraphim Larsen added the following comment to the TC Meeting Minutes 06 September 2005.txt document in the OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC Group.
    Chris Wong submitted the following correction/addition for the 9/6/05 TC minutes:
    On the catalog discussion, I think it might be helpful to note that neither the DITA 1.0 standard, nor the DITA Open Toolkit includes a catalog for schemas. We noticed this collectively, so I don't think there is no need to specifically attribute this to someone. That reference catalogs are provided only for DTDs is a curious omission. Suggested text for your minutes:
    	- ??? -- there are no catalog entries nor catalogs for schemas, neither in the 
    	  standard nor the Open Toolkit. There is some consensus that catalog support 
    	  would be useful for schemas too.
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