Title: IMPORTANT NOTICE for this Thursday's call... Hi all, 1. At the end of our (very productive!) conference call today, the following decisions were made with respect to assignments and timing. - with respect to the latest version of the specification mailed out by Tim last Friday, EVERYONE should read over the text carefully and submit any change requests to the list by end-of-day Wednesday - in addition, specific reviewers have been designated to read specific sections and submit any change requests to the list by end-of-day Wednesday: Polar (2, 3, Appendix A) Simon (4, 11, Appendix B) Carlisle (5, 10, Appendix C) Anne (6, 9) Michiharu (7, 8) - in addition, Tim (as editor) is requested to read through the specification from top to bottom (looking, primarily, for inconsistencies between sections) We will discuss all change requests on this Thursday's conference call and decide on those that should be incorporated. A new version of the specification should be issued early the following week. The TC can vote on whether we are ready for "Committee Specification" on Thursday the 29th. 2. Many issues were resolved during today's call. Ken will post the proposed resolutions so that we can vote to accept them on the TC call this Thursday the 22nd. Therefore, this Thursday's call is very important. Please review the specification and the proposed resolutions beforehand and please dial in so that we can ensure that we have quorum. We're getting very close to a completed spec! Carlisle.