OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Re: [office] TC Charter Clarification

  • 1.  Re: [office] TC Charter Clarification

    Posted 04-01-2004 14:47
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [office] TC Charter Clarification

    Hi Simon, all,
    Simon Davis wrote:
    > Hello all:
    > 1) Suggestion for the Anticipated Audience section:
    > Instead of 'document managers or archivers using office document formats'
    > suggest 'document managers, records managers, and archivists using office
    > document formats for long-term digital preservation'
    This change sounds reasonable to me. I think we should that in the charter.
    > 2) Comment on the Scope section:
    > The second sentence of the scope reads: 'Sun Microsystems intends to
    > contribute the OpenOffice.org XML Format to this TC at the first meeting of
    > the TC, under reciprocal Royalty Free terms'. Should this be changed to past
    > tense, ie, 'Sun Microsystems has contributed the OpenOffice.org XML Format
    > to this TC, under reciprocal Royalty Free terms'?
    I don't think so. From my understanding, a charter clarification means 
    that the parts of the charter are changed that actually need a 
    clarification, but that the rest of the charter remains unchanged. I've 
    for instance asked Karl Best whether we should change the term 
    "Committee Specification" to "Committee Draft". His answer was that we 
    may do so, but that it is not required, because it is clear what is 
    meant by "Committee Specification".

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