OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDXR) TC

Minutes of BDXR TC meeting 31 October 2012

  • 1.  Minutes of BDXR TC meeting 31 October 2012

    Posted 11-28-2012 05:28
    MEETING MINUTES OF BDXR TC MEETING 31 OCTOBER 2012 ATTENDANCE Jens Aabol Roger Bass Kenneth Bengtsson (chair) Pim van der Eijk Dale Moberg Sven Rasmussen METADATA SERVICE LOCATION Dale has been working on the draft specification of the Metadata Service Location. He is still working on some chapters such as registration and references. The idea is to use PEPPOL as an example implementation while having the specs more generalized. OTHER DOCUMENTS Architecture and governance straw man proposal + use cases + Connect protocol are work in progress. ANY OTHER BUSINESS We discussed that it would be good for the TC to start publishing specifications, and that a more pragmatic approach, where we give priority to the documents closest to being publication-ready (PEPPOL) can be slightly generalized and submitted. Sven will submit PEPPOL specifications to the TC as soon as administration in OpenPEPPOL has been sorted out, possibly this week. Agreed to put Sander’s Archimate diagrams on the agenda for next meeting. MEETING SCHEDULE November 14 2012, conference call November 28 2012, conference call December 12 2012, conference call December 26 2012, NO CALL Kenneth Bengtsson