OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  GeoWeb 2007

    Posted 05-24-2007 04:46


    GeoWeb 2007 is almost upon us!  This is the key event for anyone interested in the convergence of the web and GI technologies and standards.  If you are concerned with the deployment of OGC, ISO, OASIS, W3C and related standards then GeoWeb should be first on your list of GI events for 2007.  Lead speakers (Dangermond, Jones, Lang) – and invited speaker Vinton Cerf – one of the fathers of the Internet – more than 50 technical papers, 20+ vendor spotlights – 13 workshops and a host of exciting panels and competitions.  If you are interested in the broadest view of geographic information – from sensor data to vector features to all forms of coverages .. applications from homeland security to commercial aviation and beyond ..

    See http://www.geoweb.org for registration and details.



  • 2.  RE: [emergency] GeoWeb 2007

    Posted 07-03-2007 16:44
    Is anyone from the EM TC going to attend this conference?  The program looks interesting.

    From: Ron Lake [mailto:rlake@galdosinc.com]
    Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 00:46
    To: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [emergency] GeoWeb 2007


    GeoWeb 2007 is almost upon us!  This is the key event for anyone interested in the convergence of the web and GI technologies and standards.  If you are concerned with the deployment of OGC, ISO, OASIS, W3C and related standards then GeoWeb should be first on your list of GI events for 2007.  Lead speakers (Dangermond, Jones, Lang) – and invited speaker Vinton Cerf – one of the fathers of the Internet – more than 50 technical papers, 20+ vendor spotlights – 13 workshops and a host of exciting panels and competitions.  If you are interested in the broadest view of geographic information – from sensor data to vector features to all forms of coverages .. applications from homeland security to commercial aviation and beyond ..

    See http://www.geoweb.org for registration and details.



  • 3.  RE: [emergency] GeoWeb 2007

    Posted 07-05-2007 09:10