OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC


  • 1.  "E-BALLOT PROPOSAL" comments

    Posted 03-16-2019 21:47
    For your convenience, I added “E-BALLOT PROPOSAL” comments to issues that did not already have them:   #168: Immutable code flow/graph traversal state (support for HTTP headers & forms data) #309: “file” => “artifact” #320: Cached threadFlowLocations #326: graphs: dictionaries => arrays (*) #341: instanceGuid => guid   (*) #326 originally proposed to remove graphs. I added a new “EBALLOT #2 PROPOSAL” comment to the issue, to reflect what the change draft actually says.   These “E-BALLOT PROPOSAL” comments consist of a brief synopsis and a list of schema changes. They are there to enable you to quickly understand what you will see when you review the change draft. The change draft (actually, the merger of the change draft into the provisional draft) is definitive. Please let me know if you see a mistake in the proposal comments.   Thanks, Larry