OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 15 March 2016 uploaded

  • 1.  Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 15 March 2016 uploaded

    Posted 03-22-2016 08:31
    Submitter's message Action Items:
    1. Kris will find out from Chet what we need to do about opening an OASIS admin request to get an open source repository set up for Eliot's tooling project.

    Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
    Tuesday, 15 March 2016
    Recorded by Nancy Harrison
    link to agenda for this meeting:

    Regrets: Richard Hamilton, Joann Hackos, David Helfinstine

    Standing Business
    Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201602/msg00047.html (Nancy Harrison, for 23 February 2016)
    Proposed by BobT, seconded by Don, approved by TC

    Subcommittee Reports

    Call on April 5th is cancelled because of Content Strategies conference in Reston.

    1. Action items
    26 January 2015
    Michael: Decision about Lightweight DITA open repository
    [completed; working on creating a repository]
    Kris; there's some formal OASIS forms and materials to go thru; I'll check with Michael
    Scott; is there some point where we need to formally approve that?
    Kris; yes, we already did that for Eliot's repository.
    23 February 2016
    Tom to add typo to 1.3 errata list (completed)
    Kris to look at OASIS process around errata
    Kris to add agenda item for next week on potential topics for dita.xml.org around community best practices and things we want to engage with larger community on. will send same thing to DITA TC members to get us thinking about that item.
    All TC members need to review OASIS guidelines for writing conformance clauses.
    Kris will find out what we need to do about opening an OASIS admin request to get an open source repository set up for Eliot's tooling project.
    Kris; all mine are still outstanding; I expect to do them before next TC meeting
    Tom; just don't overdo it

    2. Continuing item: Tentative DITA TC agenda for 2016:
    [nothing new for this week]

    3. Scheduling subcommittee and liaison reports for the next few months
    April 12: Report back from CMS/DITA NA 2016
    May 3, June 7, July 5
    [no change]

    4. Continuing item: How to move the DITA 1.3 spec up in Google rankings
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201602/msg00045.html (Chet Ensign, 18 February 2016)
    Robert; talked about this at prev mtg. issue of 'V' on item at top. keith posted a blog and that should work but hasn't yet
    Kris; can we ask if more metadata in web pages would help, and if OASIS would let us add more metadata to pages; there's very little metadata on the pages, maybe that would help
    Robert; it would be a good question to ask. anyone have access to an SEO expert?
    Scott; we could add a greater number of links to each page, that's the most basic key to a higher ranking, plus regular updates to page.
    Keith; mostly links to it.
    Don; wherever we have links to DITA 1.2, we should add linnks to DITA 1.3, asmany times as possible, to improve the ranking
    Tom; Kris, once you're taking to Chet again, you could talk to him about it.
    Kris; OASIS seems to think that as long as you have 1.3 rather than 1.2, that will happen
    Chet passed it on to Robin Cover, who blew it off.
    Kris; It would be a good thing if we could figure out and articulate a strategy of what we want in having people create links to the spec, and evangelize it at Reston and on dita-users.
    Don; is that clarity on which page to link to?
    Kris; we formally decided on linking to the part 0 page of the spec.
    Robert; and if you're talking about a particular part, link to the specific part, if linking to an element, should go to that element in the smallest package it appears in.

    5. New item: Spec Clarification Issue: Characters Allowed in Key and Key Scope Names
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201602/msg00049.html (Eliot Kimber, 26 February 2016)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201602/msg00050.html (Scott Hudson, 26 February 2016)
    [hold till Eliot is on the call]
    Robert gave overview; the issue is that we didn't specify in 1.3 what characters are allowed in key scope; therefore Eliot assumed that the allowed characters were the same as the ones allowed in keys. Which was the right assumption to make, but since it's not specified anywhere, there's some confusion. In DITA 2.0, we'll need to be more specific about it.
    Kris; Robert, can you put that on our list of 2.0 things to consider?
    Tom; we need to generalize; names are specified in @ values; we need to be pretty careful.
    Robert; what we want is basically: 'chars that are legal in a URI are allowed in a key'; we've discovered that some limitations can be surprising to speakers of other languages.

    6. New item: Issue with content model topics
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201603/msg00001.html (Robert Anderson, 2 March 2016)
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201603/msg00002.html (Tom Magliery, 2 March 2016)
    Robert; yet another bug in the spec. Luckily, it's completely in non-normative content; [see Robert's mail above]; but we need to figure out a way to clear it up for the errata.
    Tom; is that code that Robert wrote, or Eliot?
    Robert; I used Eliot's code; somewhere the grouping syntax that creates domains is messing things up. His later code may work, but his latest code breaks my code, so it would have to be re-worked. It shows up more when there are more domains in play; it also looks like these didn't get much review by anyone...
    Tom; I wonder if we can get stats on views for pages within the spec...
    Kris; I wonder if they run Google analytics
    AI; Tom will ask Chet about Google analytics or any other analysis of the web site.
    adding header info.
    Chris; there's no header in there now, and to get it in, we'd have to have it in our header when pages are generated
    Kris; most of these things will have to get rolled into our first 1.3 errata.
    Chris; it's frustrating for me because some products (i.e. ours] do that auTomatically
    Kris; frustratihng for me as well, as the actual builder of the pages.
    Scott; I just checked the pages; no google analytics keys, so they're not using it.
    Tom; I'll ask Chet anyway, it might mesh with letting us add more metadata to the spec;
    Chris; all you do is tell it the domain you want to use, it gives you a key to track; if we did did an errata sheet, we could do it ourselves.
    Tom; it's a question of whether we can replace the current page with soemthing else, if that other page is the same from the reader's point of view; just updated metadata.
    Robert; we'd have to update it in place, the question is whether they'd let us.
    Tom; but another thing to keep in mind for DITA 2.0.

    7. DITA 1.3 errata planning
    Wiki page: https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/DITA_1.3_Errata
    [no update] Tom is keeping it up-to-date as necessary. Do we need to start talking about it yet?
    [no need]
    Robert; this relates to Kris's action item above.

    11:45 PM ET Close

    -- Ms. Nancy Harrison Document Name : DITA TC Meeting Minutes 15 March 2016 No description provided. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Ms. Nancy Harrison Group : OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC Folder : Meeting Notes Date submitted : 2016-03-22 01:30:54