UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

[ubl-ndrsc] Minutes (corrected) for 9 January 2002 UBL NDR meeting

  • 1.  [ubl-ndrsc] Minutes (corrected) for 9 January 2002 UBL NDR meeting

    Posted 01-09-2002 14:16
    [This version correctly shows Doug Bunting as being present.]
    1. Roll call (till x:05)
        Bill Burcham       YES
        Doug Bunting       YES (x:25)
        Dave Carlson
        Mavis Cournane     YES (x:15)
        Mark Crawford      YES (left y:26)
        John Dumay         YES
        Matt Gertner       YES
        Arofan Gregory     YES (left y:43)
        Eduardo Gutentag
        Eve Maler          YES
        Dale McKay         YES
        Sue Probert        YES (left x:30)
        Ron Schuldt        YES (left y:15)
        Gunther Stuhec     YES
        Mike Rawlins       YES
        Quorum reached
    2. Acceptance of minutes of previous meeting (till x:06)
        19 December 2001:
    3. Adoption of agenda (please send suggestions *before* meeting) (till x:07)
    4. Action item review (till x:09)
        ACTION: Mark to update tag structure position paper.
        Continued until Friday, January 11.
        ACTION: Mark to check with Mike on what the purpose of Section 5.4 is,
        and follow up with editorial changes to the NDR document as necessary.
        ACTION: Sue and Maryann to do some use case brainstorming offline.
        Continued until the F2F.
        ACTION: Arofan to create a new use case for instance constraint
        ACTION: Dale to work on the legal issues text provided by Arofan and give
        it to Mark for inclusion in the NDR document.
        DONE. He had list problems; will send it to Eve for forwarding to
        the list.
        ACTION: Mark and Eduardo to propose a set of tag naming
        abbreviation rules before January 9.
        In progress (effectively DONE because we made a decision during this
        See also additional new ACTIONs below.
    5. Current position paper champions, status, and priorities (till x:10)
        - Tag structure (A-priority)
        - Design principles
        - Relationship between UBL and UN/CEFACT constructs
        - Choice of schema language (DONE)
        - TPA
        - Customization (taken over by Context Methodology SC)
        - Modularization/namespaces/versioning (A-priority)
        - Elements vs. attributes
        - Document size and performance considerations (Section 6.1)
        - Use cases (with Maryann) (A-priority)
        - Local vs. global elements
        - Code (enumerated) lists
        - Legal issues
    6.  Tag structure position
         Last time we agreed to Option 1: high structure.  We are now
         considering whether to specify fully qualified structured names
         (option 1a) or abbreviated structured names (option 1b), and
         Mark and Eduardo have been working on a proposal for this.
         Here is a rough outline of what they're working on:
         Make global type declarations, and then local element
         declarations within those type declarations with names that are
         named with the property/rep terms and no object classes, and then
         define global elements that aggregate these local elements and are
         called xxxDetails.  The local elements would "inherit" the object
         class of whatever aggregate element they're in (we need to get
         more precise about this).
         So AddressCity, AddressState, and AddressZip (etc.) would be locally
         defined in AddressType, and MailingAddressDetails and
         ShippingAddressDetails (etc.) would be of AddressType.  You wouldn't
         need MailingAddressCity and so on.  The plus is reuse.  The minus
         is losing semantic clarity in tag names.
         We'd still have to decide whether MailingAddress and ShippingAddress
         are allowed to reuse AddressType as is, or whether they will be
         required to trivially derive MailingAddressType and ShippingAddressType.
         But this doesn't prevent us from making decisions on tag naming.
         This proposal doesn't affect global elements that are other than
         xxxDetails elements.  Those global elements would have to have the
         object class/property term/rep term construction.
         One question about this is that it seems to make the most reusable
         elements local, and the least reusable elements global.  Mark feels
         it's justifiable to drop the object class prefix for local elements,
         but not to drop it for global elements.
         "City" elements might be reusable in many locations: airport city,
         rental car drop-off city, etc.  Do we need to be able to reuse a
         CityName element among address, airport, etc. constructs, or is it
         good enough to be able to reuse a CityType in constructing
         AddressCityName, AirportCityName, etc. elements?
         There is more than one level of abbreviation/reuse opportunity:
         MailingAddressCity, ShippingAddressCity, HomeAddressCity,
         RegionalAirportCity, CommercialAirportCity, etc. elements
         AddressCityName, AirportCityName, etc. elements
         CityName element
         There was agreement that CityName is an acceptable property term/
         representation term pair, and also gives the most reuse.
         Arofan is concerned that we'll have too many levels of xxxDetails
         within yyyDetails.  There will be some elements that don't end in
         representation terms that are, by definition, containers.  His
         proposal is to have a rule for removing "Details" either in all
         cases but the innermost case of xxxDetails, or in 100% of all
         cases.  However, we didn't adopt this.
         Mark notes that there may be some elements declared locally that
         need to have an object class in their name.  For example,
         AddressNumber is better than Number, which is too generic and
         likely to be misinterpreted.  This will be at the discretion of
         the Library Content SC.
         Root document elements shouldn't use the Details construction.
         They should use the Document suffix instead, which is a privileged
         case of Details.
         We achieved unanimous consent on adopting this whole proposal.
         We recognize that input from the Library Content SC or elsewhere
         may make us change our minds.
         We will also have the following issues to decide:
         - Do we use tag names based on ebXML naming conventions (option 1E)
           or tag names based UDEF's naming conventions (option 1U)?
         - Do we add attributes to UBL elements that link them to the
           UDEF structured UIDs?
         - Do we use ebXML-style names for aggregate elements and UDEF-style
           names for leaf elements?
         Some of these may have been obsoleted in part by the above decision.
    7.  Modnamver position
         See Bill's position paper:
         See also Mark's schema dependency flowchart:
         Arofan spoke in favor of Option 3, with the addition of the idea that
         extensions would explicitly be in a third namespace layer.  For
         most context-driven derivations, we want to strongly encourage
         only UBL-namespaced elements to be used.  Any contextualized
         schema derived by UBL means will need its own namespace because
         it will be defining derived types (and possibly new elements etc.).
         (Note that UBL will not be entirely vanilla; it will have a little
         bit of context baked into it.)
         Mike brought up the idea of an Option 0: don't use namespaces.  The
         main technical reason for namespaces is to avoid name clashes.  Another
         reason has to do with performance -- you can use them to do lazy
         loading of individual namespaces.  The xCBL experience (without
         namespaces) has shown that namespaces would have been better, though
         till now the tools support has been spotty.
         There are two places you could put version information: in the
         namespace name and in-band (in the document instance as, e.g.,
         an attribute on the root element).  It should theoretically be
         possible to map the same namespace URI to successive versions of
         a schema, but in practice the tools don't support this mapping
         very well.  However, even if we put the version in the namespace
         URI, it might also be useful to duplicate the version information
         in-band.  Different application levels will benefit from each.
         We settled on the idea that the core namespace should have a version
         and each functional area should have a version.  At the third ring,
         extensions can point to whichever versions they want.  If the core
         revs, we're not sure all the functional areas should have to rev.
         We liked the notion of a major-minor versioning scheme, where a
         minor revision is backwards compatible (e.g., adding a new optional
         element) and a major revision is backwards incompatible (e.g.,
         adding a new required element or removing an element, which breaks
         existing documents, or changing a default value, which changes the
         legal contract agreed to by trading partners).
         How would we indicate the compatibility between pairs of the core
         and individual functional namespaces?  We could say that the major
         number of a functional namespace must be greater than or equal to
         the core, because any backwards-incompatible change to the core
         should force a rev of the functional namespace.
    8.  Next steps (till y:59)
         The next meeting will start one hour later than usual, and go for
         one hour.  Mark will run the call.  We will focus on modnamver and
         specific goals for F2F #2.  Spending about half a day on use cases
         at the F2F will be a good idea.
         ACTION: Bill to update the modnamver position paper by Friday,
         January 11.
         ACTION: Eve to make the dial-up arrangements for next week's meeting
         and send out an agenda.
    9.  Adjourn
         Adjourned at z:00.
    Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
    Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center   eve.maler @ sun.com