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Subject: Format for XACML 2.0 Work Item Proposals
I believe that discussion of XACML 2.0 Work Items will be much
more productive if each Champion will maintain a draft Proposal
in something like the form appended to this e-mail.
The initial Proposal may not have anything other than the header
a schedule for when a PROPOSAL containing a single, agreed-upon
"PROPOSED SOLUTION" must be available in order for the Work Item
to be included in XACML 2.0. The TC may also set a schedule for
when a DETAILED SOLUTION must be available.
I am happy to continue to maintain the master list of XACML 2.0
Work Items, which will serve as an index to the various
Could we put discussion and approval of some such process on the
agenda for an upcoming TC meeting?
Anne H. Anderson Email: Anne.Anderson@Sun.COM
Sun Microsystems Laboratories
1 Network Drive,UBUR02-311 Tel: 781/442-0928
Burlington, MA 01803-0902 USA Fax: 781/442-1692
Title: Format for XACML 2.0 Work Item Proposals
Version: 1.2
Updated: 03/08/14 (yy/mm/dd)
A proposal for a 2.0 work item should contain the information in
the following template. Plain ASCII text is preferred, but if
this is difficult for the Champion to maintain, then some other
commonly used format is acceptable. It should be as brief as
possible, while still capturing the necessary information.
The Champion for each Work Item is responsible for maintaining a
draft "Proposal" in this form. Whenever the information changes
(such as when new issues arise, or when an issue is settled), the
Champion should update the current proposal and send the updated
copy to the XACML mailing list.
The "XACML 2.0 Work Items" list will contain a link to the e-mail
message containing the most recent draft proposal sent to the
XACML mailing list.
------------PROPOSAL TEMPLATE STARTS HERE-------------------
<number>: <one line description>
<One-paragraph description>
[Copy this from the "XACML 2.0 Work Items" list]
[Why is this change being requested? Who needs it and for
what? Is it based on actual usage experience with XACML 1.x?
Is it what we have called "syntactic sugar" (simpler or more
readable syntax) or does it represent new functional
capabilities that XACML does not currently support at all?]
[Summary of current state of discussion on this work item:
what are the issues that remain to be resolved in order for a
solution to be accepted?]
PROPOSED SOLUTION <# if more than one>
[A high-level description of a proposed solution or change that
is still actively under consideration by members of the TC.]
[Actual text and schema changes or additions, referencing line
numbers in the XACML 1.1 PDF Specification, required to
express this solution in the 2.0 specification.
This may be in the form of edits to the source XACML 1.1
Specification, attached to the e-mail containing the
Don't bother with this until the SUMMARY indicates there are
no issues that remain to be resolved, and there is consensus
on one PROPOSED SOLUTION above.]
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