Dear all, I would like to add two further topics to the discussion of today LegalDocML TC call. 1) add a new inline called <docAuthority> During the Uruguay Parliament pilot cases analysis arose the need to model the authority that endorses the document. If we have the following fragment of text the CAMERA de SENADORES is the authority that endorses the bill. So we need to capture the authority and we don't have a proper tag for this. CAMARA DE SENADORES La Cámara de Senadores en sesión de hoy ha aprobado el siguient. PROYECTO DE LEY bla bla bla <p class= left ><docAuthority refersTo= #camera as= #mainAuthority >CAMARA DE SENADORES</docAuthority></p> The same happens in Italian Ministry decree ( ): <docAuthority refersTo= #ministroLavoroPoliticheSociali as= #mainAuthority >IL MINISTRO DEL LAVORO E DELLE POLITICHE SOCIALI</docAuthority> di concerto con <docAuthority refersTo= #ministroPubblicaAmministrazioneSemplificazione as= #secondAuthority >IL MINISTRO PER LA PUBBLICA AMMINISTRAZIONE E LA SEMPLIFICAZIONE</docAuthority> bla bla; and also in US we have similar issue: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SEPTEMBER 17, 2013 Mr. YOUNG of Alaska introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources <p>IN THE <docAuthority>HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES</docAuthority> <docDate date= 2013-09-17 >SEPTEMBER 17, 2013</docDate> <docIntroducer>Mr. YOUNG</docIntroducer> of Alaska introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources</p> The current list of inline are: <xsd:group name= ANtitleInline > <xsd:choice> <xsd:element ref= docType /> <xsd:element ref= docTitle /> <xsd:element ref= docNumber /> <xsd:element ref= docProponent /> <xsd:element ref= docDate /> <xsd:element ref= legislature /> <xsd:element ref= session /> <xsd:element ref= shortTitle /> <xsd:element ref= docPurpose /> <xsd:element ref= docCommittee /> <xsd:element ref= docIntroducer /> <xsd:element ref= docStage /> <xsd:element ref= docStatus /> <xsd:element ref= docJurisdiction /> <xsd:element ref= docketNumber /> </xsd:choice> </xsd:group> For those reasons on behalf of Uruguay Parliament I propose to add <docAuthority> 2) about <def> Greg provided in the akoma ntoso mainling list an interesting example of definition markup. <subsection id= sec1.subsect2 refersTo= #term-applicant > <content id= cnt1234 > <blockList id= sec1.subsect2.lst2 > <listIntroduction> <def id= def0034 refersTo= #term-applicant >applicant</def> means –</listIntroduction> <item id= sec1.subsect2.lst2.a > <num>(a)</num> <p>a labour tenant, an associate or his or her successor who has lodged an application in terms of section 17(1); and</p> </item> <item id= sec1.subsect2.lst2.b > <num>(b)</num> <p>for the purposes of the award of land or a right in land to an applicant by the Court, any other person nominated by the applicant and approved by the Court.</p> </item> </blockList> </content> </subsection> The definition is not in a unique <p> but it is slitted in different hcontainers (items). My problem with this mark up is to isolate not only the term of <def> but also the text of the definition (description). It is really useful for rule modelling, for classification, for searching, for annotation, etc. I propose this best practice: to classify the most relevant partition with id that includes definition description as #definition: <subsection id= sec1.subsect2 refersTo= #definition > <content id= cnt1234 > <blockList id= sec1.subsect2.lst2 > <listIntroduction> <def id= def0034 refersTo= #term-applicant >applicant</def> means –</listIntroduction> <item id= sec1.subsect2.lst2.a > <num>(a)</num> <p>a labour tenant, an associate or his or her successor who has lodged an application in terms of section 17(1); and</p> </item> <item id= sec1.subsect2.lst2.b > <num>(b)</num> <p>for the purposes of the award of land or a right in land to an applicant by the Court, any other person nominated by the applicant and approved by the Court.</p> </item> </blockList> </content> </subsection> Yours, Monica -- =================================== Associate professor of Legal Informatics School of Law Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna C.I.R.S.F.I.D. Palazzo Dal Monte Gaudenzi - Via Galliera, 3 I - 40121 BOLOGNA (ITALY) Tel +39 051 277217 Fax +39 051 260782 E-mail ====================================