OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

  • 1.  ITEM: Cross-references to Topicheads and Implicit Title-only Topics

    Posted 05-04-2009 23:02
    Here is Michael and my proposed resolution of this issue.
    The key technical decisions are:
    1. An xref via @href to a topicref is always a pointer to the topicref,
    whether or not it has a @keys attribute.
    2. Processors may treat the reference as a direct reference to the topicref
    (navigation artifact) or to the topic pointed to or implied (via chunking)
    by the topicref.
    Given this clarification of the implications for href=, the following items
    in the language reference should be updated as follows:
    1. Under "Using keys and keyref"
    1.A. Change: 
    "During processing key references in topics and maps are resolved using key
    definitions from maps." to:
    "During processing key references in topics and maps are resolved using key
    definitions from maps when key-defining topicrefs are addressed by key.
    1.B After the paragraph starting "During processing", add the note:
    Note: A key-defining topicref that also has an @id attribute and that is
    pointed to by that ID, rather than by its key, does not necessarily act as
    an indirection. In that case, processors may choose to treat as the
    effective target of the ID reference either the topicref itself or the
    ultimate target of the topicref.
    2. Under the reference for "xref":
    2.A Delete the last sentence of the first para "The href attribute on the

  • 2.  RE: [dita] ITEM: Cross-references to Topicheads and Implicit Title-only Topics

    Posted 05-05-2009 20:50
    After review, Jeff and I are generally okay with this,
    but if we're planning to approve something at next week's
    telcon, we need to be sure we know what we're approving.
    In most cases, Eliot's email does do that, but not in all.
    [Note, despite the subject--which suffers from legacy--this
    proposal is just about cross-references to topicheads.  It
    does not mention/address implicit title-only topics.]
    More detailed "editorial" comments below (nothing technical). 

  • 3.  Re: [dita] ITEM: Cross-references to Topicheads and ImplicitTitle-only Topics

    Posted 05-05-2009 21:13
    On 5/5/09 3:48 PM, "Grosso, Paul" 

  • 4.  RE: [dita] ITEM: Cross-references to Topicheads and Implicit Title-only Topics

    Posted 05-06-2009 14:38
    OK, then in the interest of being able to close this issue
    quickly on next week's telcon, could you please produce
    a revision of your proposal (without "implicit title-only"
    in the subject) that specifies just the suggested changes
    to the dita 1.2 language reference for TC approval?

  • 5.  Re: [dita] ITEM: Cross-references to Topicheads and ImplicitTitle-only Topics

    Posted 05-06-2009 15:49
    On 5/6/09 9:37 AM, "Grosso, Paul"