This should be the correct updated version. Cheers, E. -- Eliot Kimber ïOn 10/14/19, 11:52 AM, "Eliot Kimber" < on behalf of> wrote: I have updated the proposal to include a short discussion of the general requirements for processors to manage the generation of anchors in deliverables, stressing that it is inherently processor dependent. DITA source is updated in SVN. Cheers, E. -- Eliot Kimber ïOn 10/5/19, 10:04 AM, "Eliot Kimber" <> wrote: Proposal 33 is ready for TC consideration for promotion to stage 3: PDF is attached. DITA source (SVN): Tl;dr: Remove @copy-to, don't replace it with anything. Remove language from @chunk attribute related to implications of use of @copy-to on topic head topicrefs. The consensus of myself, Robert, and Chris was that everything having to do with @copy-to and the larger issues around the construction of "anchors" in deliverables is entirely processor specific and therefore not something we can or should be trying to standardize or even define conventions for in the DITA specification. Cheers, Eliot -- Eliot Kimber --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: Attachment: Issue33-DeprecateOrRemoveCopyTo.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document