Hi Art, Everyone,
Jacob asked me about this and my initial research, admittedly limited
to sampling a very few OASIS Standard specs with version numbers
greater than 1.0 found some with no Revision History, a Revision
History with only the current version being documented and none in
that initial sample which were complete to pre 1.0 working drafts.
So, because I also edit specs, I gave it only the most cursory
thought and came to the selfish conclusion that it is easier for
editors, who can change from version to version to only be
responsible for the version that they are currently editing, so I
advised him to do it that way.
When you questioned it yesterday, I was too busy to get back to it as
I had a full plate. Jacob asked me to look into it more in a separate
email, though I was going to do that anyway based on this message, so
I have gone a bit deeper, and I am pasting in my response to him
below. I have changed my mind based on more research, but I want to
make it clear that this is not comprehensive and I didn't seek to get
exhaustive. We could ask Mary, but that response might take as much
time or more than my own research both because she's busy and there's
a lot of existing work to look through. So I have changed my mind,
asked that the previous Revision History be included entirely since
that seems safest and quickest.
Here's my replay to Jacob:
Hi Jacob,
Previously, due largely to happenstance, I checked only a few
examples and found that even the inclusion of a Revision History did
not appear to be consistent, and my own preference as an editor was
to confine the workload of the editor to the current version on which
the editor is working. Hence , my initial recommendation.
After reviewing several more OASIS Standards with version numbers
greater than 1.0, I found more that included revision histories and
among those I found more that included revisions back to 1.0 or pre
1.0, so on that basis I'll change my recommendation to include all
previous revisions.
So, please add the previous revisions back into the document and
let's just punt for now.
If left to me, I would only include the revisions for the current
work and if readers needed the whole history they could download the
previous versions.
I am assuming that this is up to individual TCs. I would prefer to
ask for guidance later, rather than hold up work now.
Revision History is included in the current templates, but is not
specifically mentioned, that I found in my admittedly limited
research into OASIS guidelines yesterday and this morning. Anyone can
look for themselves at
So I didn't find a definitive answer. Even the OASIS Naming
Guidelines, Part Two: Metadata and Versioning only goes back to its
version 04.
Although I generally don't like it when we just kick the can down the
road, I think its appropriate on this one. I don't think its a debate
worth having over CAP 1.2. We can take it up in v2.0 in the TC to see
if we want to create a TC policy on this.
At 10:30 AM -0700 4/23/09, Art Botterell wrote:
>Rex / Jacob -
>I'm having some difficulty making sense of that redline,
>particularly in the Data Dictionary section 3.2. It appears that
>virtually everything in that section has been modified, which I'm
>sure isn't actually the case. I wonder if it might be possible to
>get a redline version with just the actual changes in red?
>Meanwhile, four specific observations:
>1) Is the explicit definition of the dateTime type usage really a
>Normative Reference (section 1.6)?
>2) Why are we adding quotes around the language in section 2.6?
>What's being quoted?
>3) Obviously the Acknowlegements section isn't finished.
>4) Why are all the "By Whom" values other than Jacob Westfall
>removed from the Change History?
>- Art
>Art Botterell, Manager
>Community Warning System
>Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff
>50 Glacier Drive
>Martinez, California 94553
>(925) 313-9603
>fax (925) 646-1120
>>>> Rex Brooks