OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

Re: [ebxml-msg] Re: SyncReply Module

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] Re: SyncReply Module

    Posted 11-26-2001 14:14
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] Re: SyncReply Module

    How they get in the message path is not the issue, but if you insist,
    consider the following. Suppose that someone develops a SAML
    SOAP node that can apply security assertions to a message (any SOAP
    message). This node can be targetted say by the placement of
    a SOAP extension element like the following in the message:
    ��� <somenamespace:InsertSAMLAssertionHere
    ��� ��� SOAP:actor="samlnode"
    ��� ��� SOAP:mustUnderstand="1"/>

    Then let us further assume that some intellegent use of WS-Referral
    and possibly WS-Routing has been applied that is implemented
    such that any element with an actor of "samlnode" is routed through
    some SAML SOAP node, with the appropriate WS-Routing headers
    applied that also determines that after it has been processed by the SAML
    node, that it is then sent to the URI that is associated with the To/PartyId.

    Again, all of this could be applied by an enhanced MSH node that knew
    all about this stuff. Bottom line, it isn't too difficult to imagine this sort
    of thing. This is how SOAP was intended to be used. Since ebXML MS
    is layered on top of SOAP, there is nothing to preclude this sort of
    usage, nor should there be IMO.



    David Fischer wrote:
    OK Chris, since you are just talking and not answering the questions, I will KIS and ask one at a time.
    How can there be SOAP nodes in our path which do not understand MessageHeader?� How would it route/forward?
    - David.
    BTW, I like the HTML ;-)