OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

  • 1.  Conference phone check

    Posted 02-01-2006 20:56
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Conference phone check

    Hello UBL TC,
    The HISC would like to start holding phone conferences during the
    mornings East Coast U.S. time.  Does anyone have calls scheduled
    for the interval 08h00-12h00 EST?  This is 
       05h00 - 09h00 in San Francisco
       13h00 - 17h00 in London
       21h00 - 01h00 in Hong Kong, Beijing, Singapore, and Perth
       22h00 - 02h00 in Tokyo and Seoul
       00h00 - 04h00 in Sydney
    If your group has a call scheduled during this time, please let us
    know which days of the week so that HISC can pick a time slot that
    isn't being used.

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