OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

CFP: 8th IEEE International Workshop on Policies for DistributedSystems and Networks

  • 1.  CFP: 8th IEEE International Workshop on Policies for DistributedSystems and Networks

    Posted 09-27-2006 15:36
    This workshop has included interesting work using XACML the past few 
    years, and is a good place to meet with policy researchers, both 
    academic and industrial.  I encourage you to submit papers on aspects of 
                              Policy 2007
              8th IEEE International Workshop on Policies
                 for Distributed Systems and Networks
                           13-15 June 2007
                           Bologna, Italy
    Held every year since 1999, the Policy Workshop has become the premier
    forum for exchange of research results and experience reports on all
    aspects of policy-based management of IT systems. Policy 2007 aims to
    bring together researchers and practitioners working on policy-based
    management across a wide range of application domains including
    networks, security and privacy, storage, and databases.
    This year, the workshop will have a special focus on the Semantic Web.
    The Semantic Web provides promising technologies for policy-based
    management both for the Web and other distributed systems such as the
    pervasive environments, grid computing, and multi-agent systems. We
    invite semantic web researchers to attend, and contribute to, Policy
    2007, for a unique opportunity to introduce the latest developments in
    semantic web policies to researchers in other policy areas, and also
    to learn from the latter's experiences. Policy 2007 would like to
    bring together researchers of both the semantic web and policy in an
    attempt to explore the utility of semantic web based policy frameworks
    to various applications. We are also organizing a special issue of
    Elsevier’s Journal of Web Semantics. Authors of the best papers
    covering topics relevant to Semantic Web will be invited to submit
    extended versions of their work to this issue.
    POLICY 2007 invites unpublished novel contributions on all aspects of
    policy-based management. Papers must describe original work and must
    not have been accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere.
    Submitted papers will be evaluated for technical contribution,
    originality, and significance.  For a list of the topics of interest,
    please refer to the full CFP at the workshop website:
    Paper submission deadline: 10 December 2006
    Author notification: 21 February 2007
    Camera ready copy due: 21 March 2007
    Workshop dates: 13-15 June 2007
    Anne H. Anderson             Email: Anne.Anderson@Sun.COM
    Sun Microsystems Laboratories
    1 Network Drive,UBUR02-311     Tel: 781/442-0928
    Burlington, MA 01803-0902 USA  Fax: 781/442-1692