CTI STIX Subcommittee

  • 1.  STIX 2.0 Editors - Nomination

    Posted 10-21-2015 23:25

    Per October 21, 2015 OASIS CTI TC STIX SC Call:

    (1) STIX Co-chairs proposed that we nominate at least 2 editors: 

    1.1) Modeling Perspective
    (1.2) Implementation Perspective

    Second the motion.

    (2) Nominate Sean Barnum as Editor for (1.1) Modeling Perspective   

    Sean is one of the lead visionaries/architects for STIX, has the broadest knowledge of underlying STIX/CybOX/TAXII concepts, and has broad exposure to the diverse set of world views/stakeholder communities.
    He can represent the interests of the Ontology/Semantics/Modeling portions of the community, understands the practical impacts to implementations, and can act as a trusted "translator"/"mediator" between these two perspectives.

    Patrick Maroney
    Integrated Networking Technologies, Inc.
    Office:  (856)983-0001
    Cell:      (609)841-5104

  • 2.  RE: [cti-stix] STIX 2.0 Editors - Nomination

    Posted 10-23-2015 02:52
    Pat, Thank you for the vote of confidence. I accept your nomination and would be honored to play a continuing role in shepherding STIX forward, ensuring that the modeling perspective is appropriately considered, bridging across the various perspectives and honoring the diverse stakeholders and world views of our community. In addition to representing the modeling perspective I believe I could also be useful in the actual curation and editing of our specification model(s). Sean Sent with Good (www.good.com) From: cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org <cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org> on behalf of Patrick Maroney <Pmaroney@Specere.org> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 7:24:51 PM To: cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [cti-stix] STIX 2.0 Editors - Nomination   Per October 21, 2015 OASIS CTI TC STIX SC Call: (1) STIX Co-chairs proposed that we nominate at least 2 editors:  1.1) Modeling Perspective (1.2) Implementation Perspective Second the motion. (2) Nominate Sean Barnum as Editor for (1.1) Modeling Perspective    Sean is one of the lead visionaries/architects for STIX, has the broadest knowledge of underlying STIX/CybOX/TAXII concepts, and has broad exposure to the diverse set of world views/stakeholder communities. He can represent the interests of the Ontology/Semantics/Modeling portions of the community, understands the practical impacts to implementations, and can act as a trusted "translator"/"mediator" between these two perspectives. Patrick Maroney President Integrated Networking Technologies, Inc. Office:  (856)983-0001 Cell:      (609)841-5104