OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

[xacml] Portable Interoperable Policy: Issue on the ResourceId,ActionId, and SubjectId

  • 1.  [xacml] Portable Interoperable Policy: Issue on the ResourceId,ActionId, and SubjectId

    Posted 08-29-2002 12:45
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [xacml] Portable Interoperable Policy: Issue on the ResourceId,ActionId, and SubjectId

    Why should the "ResourceId" ResourceAttribute be required to be supplied
    and yet no attributes for any particular Subject are required to be
    If you are going to write a policy that is "guaranteed" to work on any
    PDP. It MUST be written on the lowest common denominator of PEP-PDP
    behavior. Writing policy on attributes that may or may not exist isn't
    really portable to different PEP-PDP implementations.
    If we mandate that in the RequestContext that every Subject must have a
    "SubjectId" attribute, a Resource must have a "ResourceId" attribute, and
    an Action just have a "ActionId" attribute, then we can write policy based
    solely on those attributes that is guaranteed to be executable the same
    way by every PEP-PDP implementation, because a minimal amount of
    information must be supplied in the RequestContext.
    Let's say I have a policy that is the following:
    Rule Combinator = FirstApplicable:
    ResourceId == "R1" ActionId == "A1" SubjectId =="George"  -> Deny
    ResourceId == "R1" ActionId == "A1" SubjectId =="Paul"    -> Deny
    ResourceId == "R1" ActionId == "A1" SubjectId =="Ringo"   -> Permit
    AnyResource, AnySubject, AnyAction                        -> Deny
    If I place this policy on PEP-PDP 1, an implementation that supplies
    ResourceId, ActionId, SubjectId, but nothing else.
      (Attribute "ResourceId" "R1")
      (Attribute "ActionId" "A1")
      (Attribute "SubjectId" "Ringo")
    The answer is Permit.
    So, let's say I place this policy on a PEP-PDP 2 that is required to
    supply ResourceId, ActionId, but not SubjectId. However, it just happens
    to supply a whole bunch of other Subject attributes.
      (Attribute "ResourceId" "R1")
      (Attribute "ActionId" "A1")
      (Attribute "Group"      "Beatles")
      (Attribute "Instrument" "Drums")
    The answer is Deny.
    So, I cannot write a policy that depends on "Group" or "Instrument"
    attributes being supplied, because that won't work on PEP-PDP 1.
    Also, I cannot write a policy that depends on "SubjectId" being supplied,
    because that won't work on PEP-PDP 2.
    I must KNOW EXACTLY which PEP-PDP implemenation/configuration that I am
    writing policy for.
    The basic upshot question is "Can I write a policy that will be
    guaranteed to be executed in the same way with the same result on any
    PEP-PDP implementation?"
    If you have mandatory attributes for each Resource, Action, and Subject
    construct, then the answer to that question is resounding YES.
    If you have just one of those constructs in which there are no mandatory
    attributes to be supplied, then the answer to that question is a
    resounding NO, unless you DO NOT consider that particular construct in the
    Conclusion: ONLY IF you write policies that DO NOT concern Subject (i.e.
    they are based solely on Resource and Action) then policies you write will
    act the same way between these PEP-PDP implementations.
    However, without a Subject, access control doesn't really make sense.

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