I believe thanks is in order, first to our untiring editor for pulling this together, then to Bill Cox for his leadership and Ed Cazalet for vision and contributions, and the OpenADR group and IRC group for your defining contributions, and others that I have not called out but should have. We are getting close.
Toby and I will be at the UCA meeting along with some others of you and I look forward to those meetings and hope we can have many constructive discussions.
Thanks again,
Original Message-----
From: toby.considine@unc.edu [ mailto:toby.considine@unc.edu ]
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 8:44 AM
To: energyinterop@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [energyinterop] Groups - energyinterop-1-0-spec-wd22.doc uploaded
Please review with an eye to voting this out for another public review
-- Toby Considine
The document named energyinterop-1-0-spec-wd22.doc has been submitted by
Toby Considine to the OASIS Energy Interoperation TC document repository.
Document Description:
UML Updated, Services updated. ready for review prior to second Public
Review (in the editor's opinion).
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-OASIS Open Administration