Definitely agree. We are rehashing the same arguments over and over, but making little to no real progress.
From: [mailto:]
On Behalf Of Jason Keirstead
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2015 5:26 PM
To: Subject: [cti-stix] Moving STIX 1.X Forward
Hello all. One thing that has become apparent during the past month of debate - STIX 2.0, no matter what it may
end up being - is going to be quite a ways off before ratification as a standard. There are a lot of problems to solve and a lot more debate to be had, and this is going most certainly take time. However, I am growing a bit concerned that, while all this fantastic
debate has been going on - we are neglecting many real-world important deficiencies in the STIX 1.X lineage.
I am referring to a number of non-breaking enhancements to STIX that have been discussed back-and-forth on the
Oasis and MITRE lists for almost a year.
- The need for a new trust-model based marking standard that either significantly enhances the current TLP mechanisms,
or replaces them altogether
- The need for improvements to the Sighting mechanisms (the whole +1 discussion)
- The need for sequence based testing
I would like to propose that - temporarily - the CTI-STIX subcommittee try to focus on solving some of these
immediate concerns that are impacting users of STIX today in the hear-and-now. The futures conversations should continue of course - but I am wondering if we should try to come up with a separate track or committee for these two threads of this discussion,
so that the 1.X line can keep moving forward?
I just worry a lot that we are suffering from split-brain scenario, and as a result the 1.X line is not moving
Does anyone else feel this way?
Jason Keirstead
Product Architect, Security Intelligence, IBM Security Systems Without data, all you are is just another person with an opinion - Unknown
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