OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

[Fwd: [ebxml-jc] Groups - ebxml-jc Bi-Weekly Meeting modified]

  • 1.  [Fwd: [ebxml-jc] Groups - ebxml-jc Bi-Weekly Meeting modified]

    Posted 08-17-2005 14:25
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: [Fwd: [ebxml-jc] Groups - ebxml-jc Bi-Weekly Meeting modified]

    Should there be interest.
    >ebxml-jc Bi-Weekly Meeting has been modified by Ms Monica Martin
    >Date:  Wednesday, 17 August 2005
    >Time:  07:30am - 08:30am PT
    >Event Description:
    >ebxml-jc Bi-Weekly Teleconference (Conference Call)
    >Description Toll-free (US): 1-877-330-9868, hit ** and when prompted 09868#.
    >Toll-paid: 909-472-3386, enter 877-330-9868 when prompted. Refer to Toll-free instructions above to complete.
    >1. Additional white paper comments.
    >2. Other business
    >a. ebSOA update
    >b. ebBP update
    >c. CPA progress on v2.1
    >See attached and also uploaded to ebxml-jc site, Documents under Meeting Notes. Meeting minutes for 3 August 2005.
    >.....View event details:
    >PLEASE NOTE:  If the above link does not work for you, your email
    >application may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to
    >copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web
    >Referenced Items
    >Date            Name                             Type
    >----            ----                             ----
    >2005-08-17      ebxml-jc-mtgminutes-mm1-080305.txtMinutes
    meeting minutes posted at: 

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