OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

RE: [dita] Catalogs: embedding version numbers

  • 1.  RE: [dita] Catalogs: embedding version numbers

    Posted 09-01-2005 20:45
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    Subject: RE: [dita] Catalogs: embedding version numbers

    Versioning and naming is a complex issue that
    could burn lots of cycles.  I hope we can avoid
    that at least at this time.
    Putting the version into the public identifier
    is a good idea.
    Not fooling with the namespace (as Eliot suggests)
    is also a good idea.
    Putting the version number into the (unpathed) file
    name is a bad idea.  It will make maintenance of the
    various files quite difficult.  Instead, the entire
    inter-related "tree" of dtd/schema files should all
    maintain the same names, and then the root of the
    tree should change for a different version.  This
    is how docbook does it; it's how the IBM toolkit
    does it (for the most part); it's how most software
    management systems (e.g., Clearcase) do it.

    From: Chris Wong [mailto:cwong@idiominc.com]
    Sent: Thursday, 2005 September 01 15:01
    To: DITA-TC (E-mail)
    Subject: [dita] Catalogs: embedding version numbers

    DITA includes OASIS catalogs as part of the standard. I propose for DITA 1.1 we somehow embed the version number in the catalogs so possibly incompatible DTDs from pre-1.0, 1.0 and 1.1 can coexist. Right now, pre-1.0 and 1.0 can coexist in the same catalog because their public IDs differ, most notably in the change of owner from IBM to OASIS. I'd like to continue this pattern by adding version numbers to the DITA 1.1 DTD files' public IDs. For example, concept.dtd from all three versions can sit in the same catalog like:
    <public publicId="-//IBM//DTD DITA Concept//EN" uri="toolkit-1.3.2/concept.dtd"/>
    <public publicId="-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" uri="1.0/concept.dtd"/>
    <public publicId="-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept 1.1//EN" uri="1.1/concept.dtd"/>
    We might want to embed the version number in the filename too, like concept11.dtd. This should bring us in line with other models like SVG.

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