OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

[ebxml-msg] 10/1/2002: Question on Consistency between SOAP and ebMS

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] 10/1/2002: Question on Consistency between SOAP and ebMS

    Posted 10-01-2002 11:40
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [ebxml-msg] 10/1/2002: Question on Consistency between SOAP and ebMS

    In the review of the upcoming release of the UeB architecture
    specification, our team met in Geneva to discuss open items and formal
    comments received.  We had a question as it relates to the draft text in
    our specification:
    A Message contains structures for a Message Header (necessary for
    routing and delivery) and a Payload section.
    We noted that the ebMS indicates the payload container is optional.  See
    ebMS, Section 2 on Payload Specification (0 or more, "zero or more
    additional MIME parts referred to as Payload Containers, containing
    application level payloads...).
    Can the ebMS team clarify if the SOAP specification and schemas support
    the manifest schema and specification normative text (Is there a
    technical contradiction between the two). See section 2.1 to ensure that
    the manifest schema and specification, section 2.1 and SOAP
    specifications or schema are consistent.
    Please advise.  Thank you.
    Monica J. Martin
    Program Manager
    Drake Certivo, Inc.
    Note: Please excuse if this is duplicate.  I no longer have the first
    message and am uncertain if the team received it.  Thanks.

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