UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

Re: [ubl-ndrsc] New XML design rules documents

  • 1.  Re: [ubl-ndrsc] New XML design rules documents

    Posted 01-03-2002 14:11
    Through a bit of a lapse in coordination, the X12 material was posted
    prematurely.  I don't see any reason to withdraw it now that it has been posted,
    but as project leader of that effort I do need to tell you a bit about it.  There
    are three documents as follows (there are later versions of all three documents):
    Philosophy3.doc - Lays out the philosophical/analysis foundation of X12's XML
    design approach.  It will probably be of most interest at this point to the
    library group.  The latest version incorporates a lot of what is in the next
    x12ddr2001.doc - Again at the philosophical/analytical level, it describes in a
    bit more detail the five level conceptual architecture.
    XML_Design_Rules.doc - An early draft of the final document that will be
    undergoing extensive revision in the next couple of weeks.  This draft doesn't
    include the philosophy section and the content from X12's position papers on
    technical topics.  The "design rules" section is a tabular listing of preliminary
    design rules, most of which are still under discussion.  They are not necessarily
    aligned yet with either the philosophy section or the position papers.
    We will be completing another draft which will be put into general release before
    the X12 sponsored XML summit in the D.C. area on January 22.  I'll make sure that
    the UBL TC receives the document that will be distributed for that meeting.
    Also, FYI, there is interest in trying to achieve some degree of alignment
    between the UBL and X12 work (or at the very least minimizing any conflicts!).
    I'm sure we'll have opportunity to consider greater alignment as the work in both
    groups progresses.
    "Eve L. Maler" wrote:
    > Lisa Seaburg was kind enough to forward the latest X12 design rules
    > documents to me.  There are three .doc files, and from a quick glance it
    > looks like there's a lot of good stuff in there.  I have put the zip file at:
    >    http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ndrsc/input/X12-Design-Rules.ZIP
    > Check it out!
    >         Eve
    > --
    > Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
    > Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center   eve.maler @ sun.com
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    Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EC Consulting