Hi, The attached zip file contains an updated version of the XML schema for XLIFF 2.0, a sample HTML file, two XLIFF documents and a PDF with a cross-referenced list of elements. New in this version: - Added an optional <skeleton> element capable of holding untranslatable data as plain text or as XML fragments - Added <glossary>, an optional container for a simple glossary - Added <memory>, an optional container for matches of any origin that could be used while translating the XLIFF file Notice that the last two additions are the ones that I proposed after the last meeting. They are not intended to be part of the core XLIFF 2.0. The goal is to permit the creation of a complete translation package that includes TM & glossary data and the elements that define them would be part of what we have been calling optional "modules". Regards, Rodolfo -- Rodolfo M. Raya <
rmraya@maxprograms.com> Maxprograms
http://www.maxprograms.com XLIFF-2.0.zip