OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Re: [xml-dev] A few questions about the file format.

  • 1.  Re: [xml-dev] A few questions about the file format.

    Posted 08-11-2003 20:17
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [xml-dev] A few questions about the file format.

    (Forwarding on oasis a rather old discussion I started on xml-dev with Daniel)
    > >>3.10.8/9/11  What is the difference between fo:font-family and style:font-name?
    > The style:font-name attribute refers to a <style:font-decl>.
    > Basically, the font-decl mechanism adds a level f indirection so you 
    > don't have to write the same information (font-family, font-pitch, etc.) 
    > over and over again. You _can_ supply that information in the style 
    > directly, but you can also ccollect it in the font-decl, and then refer 
    > to it using style:font-name.
    And style:font-style-name is a similar indirection, but which points to
    a character style defined by the user, right?
    > >>3.10.4    What is style:use-window-font-color? I can't make sense of the description.
    > When people change background colors (e.g. to highlight something, or 
    > for artistic reasons), they usually want their text to remain readable. 
    > To support this, we support an 'automatic' text color (this is what the 
    > UI calls it): On dark background this is white, and on a light 
    > background this is some default color. This is encoded by the 
    > style:use-window-font-color attribute. It's the OOo default behaviour 
    > for text color.
    Seems very difficult for another application to implement this, if the choice
    of the color (depending on the bg color) isn't better specified. I suggest that
    the actual algorithm to determine the text color from the bg color be part
    of the file format documentation...
    David FAURE, faure@kde.org, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
    Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org), and KOffice (http://www.koffice.org).

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