OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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  • 1.  Ebms-3.0_conformanceprofiles-wd-07 issues

    Posted 06-27-2007 23:16
    1)It looks to be an inconsistency in the Gateway RM V3 - Functional Aspect -
    Message Packaging and Gateway RM V3 - Pmode[1].BusinessInfo.Properties[].
    Gateway RM V3 - Functional Aspect - Message Packaging states that support
    for MessageProperties is required. See page 6.
    Gateway RM V3 - Pmode[1].BusinessInfo.Properties[] states that support is
    not required. See Page 9.
    Am I misunderstanding what the draft is trying to say?
    2) Section 4 Conformance Profile - Gateway RM V2/3 looks to require support
    for MessageOrder from Section 9 of the V2 spec. I do not think the profile
    should require support for MessageOrder
    General question. Do we want to tie the conformance profile draft to tests
    in a UCC suite? It seems a bit odd to me. I think the draft should talk
    about features from the ebMS 2 specification, not test cases from a test
    profile that ebMS vendors may or may not be familiar with or conformant
    with. The UCC test is one test profile, we could just as easily tie the
    conformance profile to the set of Drummond tests. Personally I do not think
    we should do either.

  • 2.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Ebms-3.0_conformanceprofiles-wd-07 issues

    Posted 07-05-2007 17:38
    >Am I misunderstanding what the draft is trying to say?
    Right, this is an inconsistency. I would correct it by requiring RM
    conformance profile (and RX) to support MessageProperties (page 9 to
    >I do not think the profile should require support for MessageOrder
    You are referring to J5 test in UCC/EAN test suite, inherited as is in
    V2/3 profiles.
    I see no problem removing V2 support for ordering, as that is not
    required for V3.