OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  EM-TC Meeting 12/22/09

    Posted 12-14-2009 18:06
    EM-TC Members,
    There WILL be a meeting next week of the EM-TC.  We will need a 
    quorum on the call for our vote to advance the CAP 1.2 work.
    Please take time to review the CAP 1.2 document as well as the issues 
    list that have been worked through the Msg/Not SC.  Be prepared to 
    vote on 1) were there are any substantive changes? 2) advance to a 
    Committee Draft, and 3) request OASIS Staff to start an electronic 
    ballot for Committee Specification.
    Additionally on the agenda will be plans and topics for a Face to 
    Face meeting in conjunction with the TCIP conference.
    Please submit any additional agenda items to me before the end of the week.
    Elysa Jones, Chair
    CTO Warning Systems, Inc.
    256-880-8702 x102