OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

[office] Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 16 Dec 2002

  • 1.  [office] Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 16 Dec 2002

    Posted 12-18-2002 12:33
    MINUTES OF THE OASIS OPEN OFFICE XML FORMAT TC MEETING DECEMBER, THE 16TH, 2002 Roll Call/TC membership ----------------------- The following persons attended to the telephone conference at December, the 16th, and registered to attend not later than 15 days before the meeting: Doug Alberg <doug.alberg@boeing.com>, Boeing Phil Boutros <pboutros@stellent.com>, Stellent Michael Brauer <michael.brauer@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems John Chelsom <john.chelsom@csw.co.uk>, CSW Informatics Simon Davis <simond@naa.gov.au>, National Archive of Australia Patrick Durusau <pdurusau@emory.edu>, Society of Biblical Literature Gary Edwards <garyedwards@yahoo.com> Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>, Arbortext Jason Harrop <jharrop@speedlegal.com>, SpeedLegal Mark Heller <Mark.Heller@oag.state.ny.us>, New York State Office of the Attorney General Ken Holman <gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com> Paul Langille <paul.langille@corel.com>, Corel Tom Magliery <Tom.Magliery@corel.com>, Corel Monica Martin <mmartin@certivo.net>, Drake Certivo Uche Ogbuji <uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com> Daniel Vogelheim <daniel.vogelheim@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems Lauren Wood <lauren@textuality.com> The above listed persons constitute the initial voting membership of the OASIS Open Office XML Format TC. The following person attended to the meeting as prospective TC member: Brian Fliege <bfliege@certivo.net>, Drake Certivo The meeting started at 4pm GMT and took about 3.5 hours. Monica Martin, Uche Ogbuji and Lauren Wood had to leave earlier and therefore did not participate in all votings. Discussion/Clarification of TC charter -------------------------------------- - The TC clarified that the resulting file format must also be suitable for presentations. They are covered by the term "graphical documents" already. - The TC agreed that transformability into potential Microsoft office XML formats could be sensible, but is not a formal requirement. - Some TC members raised concerns that the formulation "Since the OpenOffice.org XML format specification meets these criteria" in the TC charter might anticipate the result of a check by the TC whether the OpenOffice.org XML format specification meets the requirements 1 to 6 for the resulting file format named in the TC charter. For this reason the attending TC members voted unanimously for replacing the formulation mentioned above by "Since the OpenOffice.org XML format specification was developed to meet these criteria" in the TC charter. Standing Rules -------------- - The attending TC members unanimously voted for having the standing rule that voting by e-mail is allowed. - The TC members emphasize that the OASIS TC process makes no distinction between phone and face-to-face meetings. This especially means that it is not required to attend to the TC's face-to-face meetings to stay or become a voting TC member. Voting/Selection of Positions/TC Officers ----------------------------------------- - Daniel Vogelheim, Gary Edwards and Michael Brauer volunteered to be editors of the TC. They have been accepted unanimously by the attending TC members. - The TC agreed unanimously to not have the positions of a vice-chair, a secretary, and a webmaster. - For a planed absence of the TC chair for a certain meeting, the TC members consider it to be useful to determine a pro-term co-chair for that meeting in a preceding meeting. Discussion of Liasons --------------------- - The TC discussed to have liasons with the W3C XSL-FO working group, but agreed that a formal liason is not required. Paul Grosso is member of the XSL-FO working group. - The TC agreed that Gary Edwards will be the peer between the OpenOffice.org community and the TC. There will be no formal liason as well. - The TC discussed a liason with the OASIS UBL TC. The discussion will be continued in the next meeting. Discussion/Acceptance of OpenOffice.org XML file format contribution -------------------------------------------------------------------- - The attending TC members accepted unanimously that the TC will use the OpenOffice.org XML file format specification contributed by Sun Microsystems as basis for its work. Discussion of further meetings ------------------------------ - The TC members unanimously agreed to have a face-to-face meeting in Santa Clara, US, at February the 17th/18th 2003. - The TC members unanimously agreed to have weekly (instead of bi-weekly as stated in the TC charter) phone conferences. The conferences will start alternating at 7pm GMT or 4pm GMT on Monday, and will last one hour. The next meeting will be on January, the 6th, 2003 at 7pm GMT. Discussion of Normative/Non-Normative schema languages ------------------------------------------------------ This discussion has been shifted to the next meeting. New Action Items ---------------- - All: Be prepared for a discussion whether the OpenOffice.org XML specification meets the requirements 1 to 6 of the TC charter. - All: Be prepared for a discussion of normative/non-normative schema languages - Michael Brauer: Prepare TC's web page - Michael Brauer: Change TC charter as voted by the TC members. - Michael Brauer: Clarify details of Santa Clara meeting. - Ken Holman: Collect details about a possible liason with the OASIS UBL TC. Michael Brauer OASIS Open Office XML format TC chair