OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] EDXL HAVE and NIEM 2.1 dictionary =?UTF-8?Q?alignment=3F?=

    Posted 07-15-2009 02:28

    Oh boy - this got wildly overly complex!!!

    Can we have a time out please?!?

    The wantlist.xml is a simple construct used by the online NIEM SSGT.  It is REQUIRED as part of an IEPD submission for those folks who know and need IEPDs.  They are an absolutely SOB to create manually online - but having CAM create one of these for you in 30 seconds by pushing a button - is likely to make adults breakdown, laugh and cry.  Feels like cheating.

    Once you have a Wantlist.xml done for you its easy to then delete and tweak as desired.  Hence the supplied base EDXL HAVE wantlist.xml uploaded earlier.  That's probably saving people days of work manually.

    Now the magic is - once you have the wantlist.xml - you can have the NIEM SSGT create a subset schema for you.  Of course in the context of OASIS EDXL this is irrelevant - because you are not using it.  However 
    developers of NIEM exchange schemas - normally need it.

    Again - we're back to what is formally required for a valid IEPD.  A wantlist.xml, and crossreference schema, an exchange schema and a XML example instance, and you're business rules documentation.

    So the good news is we can create all of these for EDXL HAVE - and that is really important for federal and state implementors who will need these things for their project documentation to justify what they are doing.

    Simple - nothing more than that.

    Thanks, DW

    p.s. If you want to try out the SSGT with the wantlist.xml - go to this link - click on the top right "Options" - and then upload it.

    Thanks, DW

  • 2.  RE: [emergency] EDXL HAVE and NIEM 2.1 dictionary alignment?

    Posted 07-15-2009 11:16

  • 3.  NIEM & EDXL-RIM; WAS: RE: [emergency] EDXL HAVE and NIEM 2.1dictionary alignment?

    Posted 07-15-2009 13:35
    Thanks Gary,
    I've been waiting  for this connection to be made 
    without me beating the drum about it.
    We have to be very careful in the RIM to ensure 
    that we do not create more problems than we solve 
    when we attempt to make this alignment.
    We are starting with the DE and the ValueListURN 
    for several very basic reasons. Among those 
    reasons is the fact that the DE gives us the 
    functional container element for the various EDXL 
    message payloads. It is important, IMO, to start 
    with the DE because it came about as a response 
    to the first major problem we faced after working 
    This response came about when we understood that 
    one of the key rationales underlying CAP, e.g. 
    that it is a transport-independent format for 
    messages, was a two-way door enabling any medium 
    but not specifying how to distribute those 
    messages in detail.
    It turned out that the DE then became the wrapper 
    or header element of any EDXL payload message, 
    thus setting the stage for the family of 
    specifications in such a way that a de facto 
    Service-Oriented Architecture was established.
    Having a distribution specification that uses a 
    modular-managed-list approach, which reuses those 
    lists and needs a registry system of systems and 
    network of networks to do this, is as close to a 
    textbook example of SOA as we are likely to find.
    The RIM should make this SOA explicit. NIEM is 
    also a de facto SOA, but because it has not yet 
    been strongly framed in this context, we have to 
    be careful not to fall into the trap of pushing 
    the issue of establishing an underlying 
    architecture off because it is not currently 
    reflected in NIEM as a major component concept, 
    at least not as a fundamental end-to-end 
    More importantly, we should avoid formalizing a 
    framework (architecture) that is not explicitly 
    SOA in order to avoid any future conflict as SOA 
    is adopted by the marketplace as the dominant IT 
    architecture for the next few decades.
    In the upcoming NIEM Training Event, with which 
    the EM Adoption TC will be colocating the 
    "Emergency Interoperability Summit" there are 
    only four presentations that deal with SOA 
    explicitly unless you count the one on the 
    Justice Reference Architecture (JRA) which is 
    based on the OASIS SOA Reference Model. However, 
    I expect to see that expand over the next several 
    years because:
    1. It builds on an existing base in the Federal 
    Enterprise Architecture (FEA); and,
    2. It's just plain sensible and has a lot of 
    momentum going for it, despite the industry 
    scramble to "own" the SOA mantle by hyping a 
    bunch of short-lived acronyms and buzz words.
    At 7:15 AM -0400 7/15/09, Gary Ham wrote:
    >My understanding of the IEPD process is that a 
    >wantlist is required only for brand new 
    >elements.  Reuse of an approved external 
    >standard does not require a wantlist. In fact it 
    >would be confusing because it would appear that 
    >we are submitting individual HAVE elements for 
    >inclusion in the NIEM vice HAVE as a whole. The 
    >wantlist is for LOCAL data structures that have 
    >not been standardized and need to be. We do not 
    >have to create a wantlist for the HAVE standard. 
    > Just get it approved as an external standard 
    >and define a NIEM adapter.
    >You may be confused because the subschema 
    >generator uses the same "wantlist" format for 
    >storing the items you need out of NIEM prior to 
    >generating the one ore more subset schemas that 
    >you build in order back the specific (separately 
    >name spaced) reference schema that you use for 
    >your exchange schema.  But, you do not need to 
    >submit a "wantlist" separately for elements that 
    >the subschema generator can build for you. Just 
    >for the new stuff. And approved external 
    >standards are not new stuff. In fact, the HAVE 
    >schema with its adapter is actually just another 
    >subset schema as far as the IEPD process goes.
    >The larger question is alignment of our RIM with 
    >NIEM, which is a RIM of its own.  We may need to 
    >think about something there, because there could 
    >be value in aligning basic constructs. But my 
    >warning is simple:  "there be monsters 
    >lurking!!!!"  It is not simple at all.
    >From: David RR Webber (XML) [mailto:david@drrw.info]
    >Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:28 PM
    >To: Gary Ham
    >Cc: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org; 'Timothy Grapes'; 'Lee Tincher'
    >Subject: RE: [emergency] EDXL HAVE and NIEM 2.1 dictionary alignment?
    >Oh boy - this got wildly overly complex!!!
    >Can we have a time out please?!?
    >The wantlist.xml is a simple construct used by 
    >the online NIEM SSGT.  It is REQUIRED as part of 
    >an IEPD submission for those folks who know and 
    >need IEPDs.  They are an absolutely SOB to 
    >create manually online - but having CAM create 
    >one of these for you in 30 seconds by pushing a 
    >button - is likely to make adults breakdown, 
    >laugh and cry.  Feels like cheating.
    >Once you have a Wantlist.xml done for you its 
    >easy to then delete and tweak as desired.  Hence 
    >the supplied base EDXL HAVE wantlist.xml 
    >uploaded earlier.  That's probably saving people 
    >days of work manually.
    >Now the magic is - once you have the 
    >wantlist.xml - you can have the NIEM SSGT create 
    >a subset schema for you.  Of course in the 
    >context of OASIS EDXL this is irrelevant - 
    >because you are not using it.  However 
    >developers of NIEM exchange schemas - normally need it.
    >Again - we're back to what is formally required 
    >for a valid IEPD.  A wantlist.xml, and 
    >crossreference schema, an exchange schema and a 
    >XML example instance, and you're business rules 
    >So the good news is we can create all of these 
    >for EDXL HAVE - and that is really important for 
    >federal and state implementors who will need 
    >these things for their project documentation to 
    >justify what they are doing.
    >Simple - nothing more than that.
    >Thanks, DW
    >p.s. If you want to try out the SSGT with the 
    >wantlist.xml - go to this link - click on the 
    >top right "Options" - and then upload it.

  • 4.  RE: [emergency] EDXL HAVE and NIEM 2.1 dictionary alignment?

    Posted 07-15-2009 12:25

    Over time a great deal of disinformation and misinterpreted information has led people astray.  Bottom line is following the process you outline and creating these artifacts for HAVE will create an IEPD that is non-compliant and not interoperable with the OASIS standard.  If some of these artifacts are needed for valid reasons (analysis etc.) and CAM can help, fine.  However, people take info like this and run with it under false pretenses.  We’ve seen it many times.  The OASIS standards are not perfect and we’ll all work on that, but in the meantime the OASIS standard is the standard and NIEM is not for those specific functional exchange areas supporting emergency and disaster response and management. 

    The governance and process being worked for the EM domain between S&T and FEMA with OASIS is attempting to help bridge NIEM and EDXL, such that EDXL becomes NIEM compliant.  The adaptor pointing to the EDXL standard facilitates this, and maintenance of an EM data dictionary may assist both EDXL and the building of other IEPD’s.  However the results of the process below results in NIEM IEPD’s that are not  EDXL compliant (at least at this juncture).  Those federal and state implementers and NIEM management need to understand this.


    Tim Grapes


    "When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt"

    - Henry J. Kaiser

    From: David RR Webber (XML) [mailto:david@drrw.info]
    Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:28 PM
    To: Gary Ham
    Cc: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org; 'Timothy Grapes'; 'Lee Tincher'
    Subject: RE: [emergency] EDXL HAVE and NIEM 2.1 dictionary alignment?


    Oh boy - this got wildly overly complex!!!

    Can we have a time out please?!?

    The wantlist.xml is a simple construct used by the online NIEM SSGT.  It is REQUIRED as part of an IEPD submission for those folks who know and need IEPDs.  They are an absolutely SOB to create manually online - but having CAM create one of these for you in 30 seconds by pushing a button - is likely to make adults breakdown, laugh and cry.  Feels like cheating.

    Once you have a Wantlist.xml done for you its easy to then delete and tweak as desired.  Hence the supplied base EDXL HAVE wantlist.xml uploaded earlier.  That's probably saving people days of work manually.

    Now the magic is - once you have the wantlist.xml - you can have the NIEM SSGT create a subset schema for you.  Of course in the context of OASIS EDXL this is irrelevant - because you are not using it.  However 

    developers of NIEM exchange schemas - normally need it.

    Again - we're back to what is formally required for a valid IEPD.  A wantlist.xml, and crossreference schema, an exchange schema and a XML example instance, and you're business rules documentation.

    So the good news is we can create all of these for EDXL HAVE - and that is really important for federal and state implementors who will need these things for their project documentation to justify what they are doing.

    Simple - nothing more than that.

    Thanks, DW

    p.s. If you want to try out the SSGT with the wantlist.xml - go to this link - click on the top right "Options" - and then upload it.



    Thanks, DW

    Lee is correct, but did not fully explain the reasoning in my mind. The NIEM NDR recognizes that differences in context are inevitable, and even valuable. These differences in context are encapsulated in different name spaces and even different standards organizations.  This encapsulation is very important because it facilitates maintenance and change as standards are updated and improved (or even abandoned for better alternatives).  Enforced integration introduces rigidity and mutual dependencies to the point that brittle structures are created that destroy growth and innovation.  The point is that we need to recognize each other, and make use of each others capabilities through mapping and combined (aggregated) exchange schemas, but not try to combine incompatible reference schemas.  The combined reference schema is a path that has been tried over and over again in one form or another, always with eventual failure.  The NIEM federated approach (using adapters) is a breath of fresh air, because it allows encapsulation to work.  


    So, if you are indeed trying to create a wantlist from a defined context to be inserted in the NIEM context, you are essentially following the same road as a programmer who does a code cut-and-paste from one code module to another and then faces the difficult task of maintaining the same logic in both modules.  It is a daunting task, particularly because NIEM naming rules WILL require you to modify the items in your wantlist to some extent.   So now you will have to maintain two almost the same, but slightly different structures, in two different maintenance schedules (NIEM and OASIS) and try to keep them consistent. OUCH!  


    So, lets use NIEM’s excellent encapsulation concepts and only reuse data structures that are exactly the same in meaning AND structure.  According to the NIEM coursework and the NIEM Naming and Design Rules, what I am advocating is indeed the proper NIEM way, which is why I support NIEM.




    Gary A. Ham



    Grandpa can do IT!



    Gary A. Ham



    Grandpa can do IT!


    From: Lee Tincher [mailto:ltincher@evotecinc.com]
    Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 5:19 PM
    To: 'David RR Webber (XML)'; 'Gary Ham'
    Cc: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org; 'Timothy Grapes'
    Subject: RE: [emergency] EDXL HAVE and NIEM 2.1 dictionary alignment?


    Actually – Gary is supporting the stance I have been trying to get across – we do not need a wantlist – We created a HAVE adapter and submitted it to NIEM.  That approach supports federation of namespaces…re-creating HAVE from a wantlist does not, it promotes integration, which will not work as the standards would not be able to exchange between each other….





    "I was wondering why that Frisbee was getting bigger - then it hit me."


    From: David RR Webber (XML) [mailto:david@drrw.info]
    Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 4:53 PM
    To: Gary Ham
    Cc: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org; 'Lee Tincher'; 'Timothy Grapes'
    Subject: RE: [emergency] EDXL HAVE and NIEM 2.1 dictionary alignment?




    Good thoughts.


    Attached is a revised wantlist.xml for EDXL HAVE / NIEM  


    I found on closer inspection that there were things the earlier iteration from the weekend missed.


    Plus I've attached a copy of the EDXL-dictionary.xml - for all domains used.


    You can drag and drop that into Excel and it opens as a spreadsheet - and then filter on namespace add desired.


    Enjoy, DW