OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

ODF 1.0 Approved Errata 01 -- Public review comments

  • 1.  ODF 1.0 Approved Errata 01 -- Public review comments

    Posted 08-24-2008 19:53
    The public review period of our ODF 1.0 Approved Errata 01 document 
    concluded on Friday.  We are required under OASIS TC Process 3.2 (
    http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process.php#publicReview) to take 
    certain actions with regard to these comments:
    "The TC must acknowledge the receipt of each comment, track the comments 
    received, and publish to its primary e-mail list the disposition of each 
    comment at the end of the review period."
    I've gone through our public comment list and extracted the following 
    comments which were submitted August 7th through August 22nd and which 
    concerned the errata document. 
    Dennis E. Hamilton:  
    Sheldon Britton:  
    Dave Pawson: 
    Murata Mokoto: 
    Murata Mokoto: 
    Dennis E. Hamilton: 
    Let's see if we can get through these comments on Monday.  If we decide to 
    change the approved errata draft, we can certainly do so, though it would 
    require that we create and approve another draft and re-submit it for 
    another day public review.  So any change will essentially delay 
    publication by a month.  If we do not change the draft, we remain free to 
    make additions or changes in 6 months, with an updated Approved Errata 
    TC members should consider how they want to proceed:
    Option #1 - We acknowledge  the public comments received, but decline to 
    make any changes at this time.  This provides something to JTC1/SC34 now, 
    but will delay any other comment resolutions by 6 months.
    Option #2 -- We make changes suggested in the public comments, including 
    expanding the scope to include the additional comments which Murata-san 
    suggests are missing.  This will require preparation of a new draft, 
    approval by the TC, and a new 15 day public review period.  So it will 
    introduce an additional 1 month delay. 
    Option #3 -- We make changes suggested in the public comments, but do not 
    seek any further vote as Approved Errata.  So we essentially leave this 
    draft Approved Errata document open, and can continue to add items to it. 
    We make our intent know to not issue it as Approved Errata until we've 
    caught up with the existing public comments, in particular all those from 
    Option #3 would get everything out faster if we could review and resolve 
    all ODF 1.0 public comments in less than 6 months.  If we believe it would 
    take more than 6 months to catch up, then Option #1 would be better. 
    Option #2 gives as a smaller delay (1 month) but potentially allows us to 
    address a few more comments.