Title: [ubl] Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 14 15 February 2011 TSCers, Please take note of the item below dealing with Location. Need to consider this as we discuss area coordinates on our call. Andy From: Jon Bosak [mailto:
bosak@pinax.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:36 AM To: UBL TC Subject: [ubl] Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 14 15 February 2011 MINUTES OF PACIFIC UBL TC MEETING TUESDAY 15 FEBRUARY 2011 ATTENDANCE Jon Bosak (chair) G. Ken Holman Tim McGrath (vice-chair) STANDING ITEMS Additions to the calendar:
http://ubl.xml.org/events None. Review of Atlantic call minutes No comments. UBL 2.1 STATUS When PSC and TSC are ready, GKH will produce the schemas before his leave of absence. TSC: AS reports in email that for technical reasons the meeting scheduled for 14 February had to be rescheduled to 16 February. LOCATION COORDINATES See
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-psc/201102/msg00000.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-psc/201102/msg00001.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-psc/201102/msg00002.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-psc/201102/msg00003.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-psc/201102/msg00004.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-psc/201102/msg00005.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-psc/201102/msg00006.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-tsc/201102/msg00001.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-tsc/201102/msg00002.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-tsc/201102/msg00003.html And also
http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/prd1-UBL-2.1/mod/summary/reports/UBL-AllDocuments-2.1.html#Table_LocationCoordinate.Details Points made in the discussion of this topic included the following: - The issue was originally raised in August 2009. - In UBL 2.0, only Address has location coordinates. The original use case was delivery to a large factory that has a single street address; the GPS coordinates enable reference to a specific loading dock. - All coordinate pairs imply an area of unknown size (consider coordinates given to the nearest minute rather than the nearest second). - Multiple coordinate pairs convey some kind of information about a boundary, but it's not clear exactly what kind of information that is; for example: Do four pairs of coordinates describe a trapezoid or an hourglass? Do three pairs of coordinates describe a circle or a triangle? What do two pairs of coordinates describe? - As defined in PRD1, SubsidiaryLocation (i.e., a location within a location) is not a specialization of Location; it probably should be. AGREED as follows: 1. An Address can only contain one LocationCoordinate (no change). 2. Change Location to contain 0..n LocationCoordinates. 3. Add InformationURI to Location. 4. Make SubsidiaryLocation an ASBIE to Location, cardinality 0..n, and remove the ABIE called SubsidiaryLocation. ACTION: TM to send to Arianna for updates in eDoCreator. AGREED that the semantic ambiguity attending multiple location coordinates can be resolved through use of the Description and Conditions elements under Location. [Note: I did not notice until typing up these minutes that the element named LocationCoordinate actually contains two coordinates, one for latitude and one for longitude. Each of these is an ordinate, and together they are co-ordinates. Unfortunately, this error goes back to 2.0, so we're stuck with it.] MESSAGE ENVELOPE GKH has volunteered to co-chair the task group, but he wants a co-chair to handle business requirements. AGREED to accept TM's offer to co-chair with the understanding that the task group is developing a messaging strategy for the UBL user community as a whole that will identify requirements and recommend suitable technologies for satisfying those requirements. AGREED to add Andrea to the task group. TC CONCALL SCHEDULE Week of 2011.02.14 Regular schedule - PLB on vacation Week of 2011.02.21 Regular schedule Week of 2011.02.28 Regular schedule - missing GKH Week of 2011.03.07 Regular schedule - missing GKH , AS Week of 2011.03.14 Regular schedule - missing GKH Week of 2011.03.21 Regular schedule - missing GKH Week of 2011.03.28 Regular schedule - missing AS 3/30 Week of 2011.04.04 Regular schedule Week of 2011.04.11 Regular schedule - missing AS Week of 2011.04.18 Regular schedule Week of 2011.04.25 Regular schedule Jon Bosak Chair, OASIS UBL TC --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
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