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Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Achieving NDR quorum at the F2F
Hi folks-- This is a friendly reminder to let me and Jon know if you're
intending to come to the October 1-4 F2F meeting. I want to get a good
"quorum comfort level" that will allow us to make a lot of decisions.
Right now, here's the status; it's looking good!
* Bill Burcham unknown
* Mavis Cournane YES
* Mark Crawford unknown (but presumed yes?)
* Fabrice Desr� YES
* Matt Gertner unknown (but presumed no?)
* Arofan Gregory unknown (but presumed yes?)
* Jessica Glace unknown
* Michael Grimley YES
* Eduardo Gutentag YES
* Eve Maler YES
* Sue Probert YES
* Lisa Seaburg YES
* Gunther Stuhec YES
* Paul Thorpe YES
* Kris Ketels unknown
We can also hold one or more telecons during the F2F week so that
non-attendees can join us virtually. If you *can't* attend the meeting
in person, but *do* wish to take advantage of any telecon times, can you
let me know? Thanks!
Eve Maler +1 781 442 3190
Sun Microsystems cell +1 781 883 5917
XML Web Services / Industry Initiatives eve.maler @
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