OASIS Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) TC

Promote TOSCA and CSAF press release

  • 1.  Promote TOSCA and CSAF press release

    Posted 08-14-2017 14:41
    The OASIS press release announcing that the 2017 Open Standards Cup has been awarded to TOSCA and CSAF has been issued. It's been:  -distributed via PRWeb  http://www.prweb.com/ releases/2017/08/ prweb14591340.htm -posted to the OASIS web site:  https://t.co/uix9NStqEX -linked from the OASIS homepage -linked from the TOSCA TC and CSAF TC homepages -posted on Twitter:   http://twitter.com/O ASISopen -posted on Facebook:   http://facebook.com/oasis.open -posted to LinkedIn OASIS Group:   http://www.linkedin.co m/company/oasis Please help us promote the news to your connections by  posting to your LinkedIn Groups , liking, retweeting, blogging, forwarding... Thanks and congratulations on the well deserved awards, Carol -- Carol Geyer Senior Director, OASIS Borderless Cyber Conference and Technical Symposium http://eu17.first-oasis- conference.org/en/