OASIS Emergency Management TC

TC Meeting Minutes 07-27-04

  • 1.  TC Meeting Minutes 07-27-04

    Posted 07-30-2004 15:47
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    Subject: TC Meeting Minutes 07-27-04

    Title: TC Meeting Minutes 07-27-04
    EM-Msg SC Meeting Minutes 7-27-04

    The meeting convened at 12:00 p.m. EST.

    Art Botterell
    Rex Brooks
    Gary Ham
    Elyza Jones
    Tom Merkle
    Carl Reed
    Eleanor Robinson
    Rob Torchon
    Kon Wilms

    Propsective Member:
    Michelle Raymond

    Invited Guests:
    Ken Gill and Bob Greeves from the Department of Justice

    Due to an extraordinary circumstance occasioned by the email from Gary Poindexter, http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200407/msg00023.html and the subsequent thread which can be read in the archive http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200407/maillist.html we invited Ken Gill and Bob Greeves from the Department of Justice to join us. This became possible because the Infrastructure Subcommittee held its first meeting since it was reconstituted in the 11:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. timeslot just before the TC meeting, and during that meeting Tom Merkle was able to make the invitation.

    The issue was the requirement by OJP for its funding to be dependent on compliance with the Global Justice Data Dictionary Model and the fact that the manner or style in which the CAP XML Schema is framed doesn't comply. Because we were already in the process of building an errata document and fielding change requests and feature requests for v1.1 or 2.0 of CAP, we thought it best to see if we can find a way to ameliorate this current circumstance at least to the extent of working with OJP in a way that assures the EM community, and the OJP that this situation will be remedied soon.

    So, it was decided without dissent that Tom and Art and possibly Gary would meet with Ken and Bob on Friday, July 29, 2004 to discuss how to do this and bring suggestions to us. Specifically, this would explore who should do a suitable schema using the existing standard since about 10 hours of work appears to be involved by Gary's estimate and our general consensus. There are existing schedules and workloads to be considered, but expertise with Justice XML Data Dictionary model (jxdm) is certainly required, and our consensus was that it would therefore be done with more assurance by those in or affiliated with the Global Justice Program.

    That took up most of our time. Our work on the remainder is as follows, in bold below the agenda item.

    Posted Agenda:

    1. CAP Outreach: "final" CAP Presentation has been posted (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200407/msg00014.html). If all are in agreement, then let's make this official and make it available via the Web site to the general public.

    We did not have time to discuss this, so it was postponed.

    2. CAP Errata: on our last call (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200407/msg00004.html) we went through Issues #13 - #18. There was a followup email regarding some potential clarification on Issue #14 (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200407/msg00006.html). In the call tomorrow we need to a) determine if the suggested tweak to #14 is appropriate as errata, and b) begin the process of providing suggested changes for the Issues we have identified as errata.

    Elysa, if you get a change before tomorrow, please send an email to the group listing out each of the items we have chosen as errata and start the dialog on suggesting language to address. We should be able to handle most of this in email.

    Elysa was not able to get the changes posted to the Excel document so we asked her if she would attempt to do so before the next TC meeting and she said she would try.

    3. F2F: voting for on the next F2F meeting is complete (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200407/msg00018.html). The F2F will be Sept 14 - 15 at Battelle's Stafford location (special thanx to Gary and DMIS for hosting). We need to start hammering out an agenda, so if there are suggestions please bring them to the call tomorrow. The Imp Guide and XML 2004 Demo are 2 big things that will involve quite a bit of time.

    This was also postponed.

    4. Published CAP 1.0 PDF: as most of you saw in the email (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200407/msg00016.html), it was brought to our attention that the PDF version of the spec on the site was not the final one that OASIS voted on. Minor mishap there, but rest assured we are working to resolve. Art is going send Karl that latest (Art - please post this to the Document repository while you are at it as well. Need to maintain list of revisions there in addition to PDFs) and he will PDF a new version to post.

    Art said he would post the correct version this week.
    The meeting adjourned at 12:40 P.M. Eastern Time.

    Rex Brooks
    Rex Brooks
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
    W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
    Email: rexb@starbourne.com
    Tel: 510-849-2309
    Fax: By Request

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