OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

  • 1.  RE: [xliff] Summary of XLIFF TC call of Sep-3-2014 - amended minutes

    Posted 09-03-2013 17:22
    Amended minutes: The text of the motion to publish the current editor's draft as wd02 for public review has been amended: it includes now the link to the document for that version. The new text (also present within the summary) reads: DF: I move that the TC approve XLIFF Version 2.0 wd02 and all associated artifacts available together on TC SVN repository as the revision 320 (located here: https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/xliff-20/?rev=320 ) a Committee Specification Draft, designating the html version of the specification as authoritative, and that the TC further approve releasing the Committee Specification Draft for 15 days public review and direct the chair, secretaries, and editors to work with OASIS TC Administration on all tasks required to carry out these directions. -------------------------------------- Summary of XLIFF TC call of Sep-3-2014 -------------------------------------- Present: DavidF, Yves, Bryan, Asanka, DavidW, Fredrik, Helena, Kevin, Shirley, Joachim, Tom, Victor, Uwe. Regrets: Ryan Leave Of Absence: Lucía === I Administration (0:00 - 0:10) B: many things to do .. may be able to have resolution for 2nd public review DF: one extra change in the specification .. about the Josep remarks. .. case-sensitivity added. K: have not heard about Ryan on this B: let finish the admin parts first --- B. Approve previous meeting minutes, Of 20 August 2013 https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201308/msg00090.html and https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201309/msg00003.html B: move that both emails are the minutes for lest minutes Y: second B: nobody disagree === II XLIFF 2.0 (0:10 - 0:45) DF: feedback for XBench developers about the verification module. .. suggested word-only, cases-sensitive and regex improvements .. I think we can add case-sensitive option (default=yes) in <rule> element. K: I think the suggestion is sound V: should default be yes? B: by default XML is case sensitive, so to me default should be yes V: OK DF: propose to have this addition F: second the proposal DF: taking roll call 1 abstain (Y), all other: 10 yes .. this change is approved --- A. Actions required to stay on track according to our timeline https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201306/msg00042.html -- 1. Readiness for second public review ballot? DF: ready for second PR ballot? .. F added sample in size restriction module Y: typo in example: slr prefix missing for equivStorage DF: we can fix that, doesn't affect the vote T: example B 1.4. shows the various possibilities DF: correction to example are not substantives, so shouldn't affect the vote B: think examples are fine. .. think approving this draft today would be ok .. can have minor editorial fixes .. any question for Tom? .. any questions in general? .. plenty of time look at the new versions. .. please let's go over any question, concerns now. B: wiki tracker should be all OK now. .. not all cell are green, but it's just because I didn't changed it. All items are clear as far as I know. DF: we'll need the wiki tracker fully updated .. for the admin progression .. but we should be ok for this ballot B: schema has been updated too. .. should be in good shape too. DF: just posted the language: DF: I move that the TC approve XLIFF Version 2.0 wd02 and all associated artifacts available together on TC SVN repository as the revision 320 (located here: https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/xliff-20/?rev=320 ) a Committee Specification Draft, designating the html version of the specification as authoritative, and that the TC further approve releasing the Committee Specification Draft for 15 days public review and direct the chair, secretaries, and editors to work with OASIS TC Administration on all tasks required to carry out these directions. B: I second DF: will take the roll call 1 abstain, 9 yes The next draft is a wd02 and for public review for 15 days -- 2. Reference Implementations for XLIFF 2.0 [identify by 16 July] (Kevin) https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201306/msg00040.html B: Kevin raised the issue of the reference implementations .. we'll need some working implementations .. a few people verbally talked about rolling out 2.0 at our latest symposium (e.g. SDL) .. other comments? DF: 2.0 is stable, expect no substantive changes .. if any they would probably go to 2.x, new modules, etc. K: I expect that Ryan and I can provide some reference implementations - in a fashion similar to our demo at the symposium. DF: 2 references implementation in CNGL: SOLAS and LiON (research prototypes) .. need to look at good coverage of the features .. so we have proof of implementatbility B: I intend to support round-trip 2.0 for core, metadata and simple format .. also possible on the XLIFF Drupal module .. any other? DF: Fredrik? F: possibly for the size restriction feature, as a demo tool. No idea about production versions. B: Yves? Y: no time to work more on the Okapi library .. current version probably not completely up-to-date .. no time in foreseeable future DF: what about time line? B: should have the timeline calculation by mid or end of week. .. we probably won't be able to make it in 2013. But suspect it should Q1 2014 should be doable. .. that provides more time for implementations too. .. Chet will start the public review when the spec is ready DF: We should have sub-committee call to discuss statements of use, etc. .. will send the info to TC list. -- Sub Committee report: DF: Peter has not reported on ISO progress .. nothing to report there .. Tom and Fredrik will present on XLIFF 2.0 by the end of the year .. I will do a presentation at LRC conference too .. Bryan will do a presentation on XLIFF+DITA in DITA conf .. LocWorld soon too, 2.0 will be mentioned too. .. London FEISGILTT proceeding will be published on the Localization Review. -- VI: Any Other Bussiness? None Meeting closed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php -- /chet  ---------------- Chet Ensign Director of Standards Development and TC Administration  OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org Primary: +1 973-996-2298 Mobile: +1 201-341-1393  Check your work using the Support Request Submission Checklist at  http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/47248/tc-admin-submission-checklist.html  ; TC Administration information and support is available at http://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tcadmin Follow OASIS on: LinkedIn:     http://linkd.in/OASISopen Twitter:         http://twitter.com/OASISopen Facebook:   http://facebook.com/oasis.open

  • 2.  Re: [xliff] Summary of XLIFF TC call of Sep-3-2014 - amended minutes

    Posted 09-03-2013 23:13
    Thanks Yves, I move that these amended minutes become the meeting minutes of record. *This needs to be seconded by a voter, ideally today* Please object by Wednesday COB PST if you think that these should not become the meeting minutes of record. Please note that the minutes are needed to make the csd/csprd progression through TC administration. Best regards dF Dr. David Filip ======================= LRC CNGL LT-Web CSIS University of Limerick, Ireland telephone: +353-6120-2781 cellphone: +353-86-0222-158 facsimile: +353-6120-2734 mailto: david.filip@ul.ie On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 6:20 PM, Yves Savourel < ysavourel@enlaso.com > wrote: Amended minutes: The text of the motion to publish the current editor's draft as wd02 for public review has been amended: it includes now the link to the document for that version. The new text (also present within the summary) reads: DF: I move that the TC approve XLIFF Version 2.0 wd02 and all associated artifacts available together on TC SVN repository as the revision 320 (located here: https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/xliff-20/?rev=320 ) a Committee Specification Draft, designating the html version of the specification as authoritative, and that the TC further approve releasing the Committee Specification Draft for 15 days public review and direct the chair, secretaries, and editors to work with OASIS TC Administration on all tasks required to carry out these directions. -------------------------------------- Summary of XLIFF TC call of Sep-3-2014 -------------------------------------- Present: DavidF, Yves, Bryan, Asanka, DavidW, Fredrik, Helena, Kevin, Shirley, Joachim, Tom, Victor, Uwe. Regrets: Ryan Leave Of Absence: Lucía === I Administration (0:00 - 0:10) B: many things to do .. may be able to have resolution for 2nd public review DF: one extra change in the specification .. about the Josep remarks. .. case-sensitivity added. K: have not heard about Ryan on this B: let finish the admin parts first --- B. Approve previous meeting minutes, Of 20 August 2013 https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201308/msg00090.html and https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201309/msg00003.html B: move that both emails are the minutes for lest minutes Y: second B: nobody disagree === II XLIFF 2.0 (0:10 - 0:45) DF: feedback for XBench developers about the verification module. .. suggested word-only, cases-sensitive and regex improvements .. I think we can add case-sensitive option (default=yes) in <rule> element. K: I think the suggestion is sound V: should default be yes? B: by default XML is case sensitive, so to me default should be yes V: OK DF: propose to have this addition F: second the proposal DF: taking roll call 1 abstain (Y), all other: 10 yes .. this change is approved --- A. Actions required to stay on track according to our timeline https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201306/msg00042.html -- 1. Readiness for second public review ballot? DF: ready for second PR ballot? .. F added sample in size restriction module Y: typo in example: slr prefix missing for equivStorage DF: we can fix that, doesn't affect the vote T: example B 1.4. shows the various possibilities DF: correction to example are not substantives, so shouldn't affect the vote B: think examples are fine. .. think approving this draft today would be ok .. can have minor editorial fixes .. any question for Tom? .. any questions in general? .. plenty of time look at the new versions. .. please let's go over any question, concerns now. B: wiki tracker should be all OK now. .. not all cell are green, but it's just because I didn't changed it. All items are clear as far as I know. DF: we'll need the wiki tracker fully updated .. for the admin progression .. but we should be ok for this ballot B: schema has been updated too. .. should be in good shape too. DF: just posted the language: DF: I move that the TC approve XLIFF Version 2.0 wd02 and all associated artifacts available together on TC SVN repository as the revision 320 (located here: https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/xliff-20/?rev=320 ) a Committee Specification Draft, designating the html version of the specification as authoritative, and that the TC further approve releasing the Committee Specification Draft for 15 days public review and direct the chair, secretaries, and editors to work with OASIS TC Administration on all tasks required to carry out these directions. B: I second DF: will take the roll call 1 abstain, 9 yes The next draft is a wd02 and for public review for 15 days -- 2. Reference Implementations for XLIFF 2.0 [identify by 16 July] (Kevin) https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201306/msg00040.html B: Kevin raised the issue of the reference implementations .. we'll need some working implementations .. a few people verbally talked about rolling out 2.0 at our latest symposium (e.g. SDL) .. other comments? DF: 2.0 is stable, expect no substantive changes .. if any they would probably go to 2.x, new modules, etc. K: I expect that Ryan and I can provide some reference implementations - in a fashion similar to our demo at the symposium. DF: 2 references implementation in CNGL: SOLAS and LiON (research prototypes) .. need to look at good coverage of the features .. so we have proof of implementatbility B: I intend to support round-trip 2.0 for core, metadata and simple format .. also possible on the XLIFF Drupal module .. any other? DF: Fredrik? F: possibly for the size restriction feature, as a demo tool. No idea about production versions. B: Yves? Y: no time to work more on the Okapi library .. current version probably not completely up-to-date .. no time in foreseeable future DF: what about time line? B: should have the timeline calculation by mid or end of week. .. we probably won't be able to make it in 2013. But suspect it should Q1 2014 should be doable. .. that provides more time for implementations too. .. Chet will start the public review when the spec is ready DF: We should have sub-committee call to discuss statements of use, etc. .. will send the info to TC list. -- Sub Committee report: DF: Peter has not reported on ISO progress .. nothing to report there .. Tom and Fredrik will present on XLIFF 2.0 by the end of the year .. I will do a presentation at LRC conference too .. Bryan will do a presentation on XLIFF+DITA in DITA conf .. LocWorld soon too, 2.0 will be mentioned too. .. London FEISGILTT proceeding will be published on the Localization Review. -- VI: Any Other Bussiness? None Meeting closed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php -- /chet  ---------------- Chet Ensign Director of Standards Development and TC Administration  OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org Primary: +1 973-996-2298 Mobile: +1 201-341-1393   Check your work using the Support Request Submission Checklist at  http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/47248/tc-admin-submission-checklist.html   TC Administration information and support is available at http://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tcadmin Follow OASIS on: LinkedIn:     http://linkd.in/OASISopen Twitter:         http://twitter.com/OASISopen Facebook:   http://facebook.com/oasis.open --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php

  • 3.  RE: [xliff] Summary of XLIFF TC call of Sep-3-2014 - amended minutes

    Posted 09-03-2013 23:23
    I second this.   -Kevin.   From: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:xliff@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Dr. David Filip Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2013 4:13 PM To: Yves Savourel Cc: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: Re: [xliff] Summary of XLIFF TC call of Sep-3-2014 - amended minutes   Thanks Yves, I move that these amended minutes become the meeting minutes of record. *This needs to be seconded by a voter, ideally today* Please object by Wednesday COB PST if you think that these should not become the meeting minutes of record. Please note that the minutes are needed to make the csd/csprd progression through TC administration.   Best regards dF Dr. David Filip ======================= LRC CNGL LT-Web CSIS University of Limerick, Ireland telephone: +353-6120-2781 cellphone: +353-86-0222-158 facsimile: +353-6120-2734 mailto: david.filip@ul.ie   On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 6:20 PM, Yves Savourel < ysavourel@enlaso.com > wrote: Amended minutes: The text of the motion to publish the current editor's draft as wd02 for public review has been amended: it includes now the link to the document for that version. The new text (also present within the summary) reads: DF: I move that the TC approve XLIFF Version 2.0 wd02 and all associated artifacts available together on TC SVN repository as the revision 320 (located here: https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/xliff-20/?rev=320 ) a Committee Specification Draft, designating the html version of the specification as authoritative, and that the TC further approve releasing the Committee Specification Draft for 15 days public review and direct the chair, secretaries, and editors to work with OASIS TC Administration on all tasks required to carry out these directions. -------------------------------------- Summary of XLIFF TC call of Sep-3-2014 -------------------------------------- Present: DavidF, Yves, Bryan, Asanka, DavidW, Fredrik, Helena, Kevin, Shirley, Joachim, Tom, Victor, Uwe. Regrets: Ryan Leave Of Absence: Lucía === I Administration (0:00 - 0:10) B: many things to do .. may be able to have resolution for 2nd public review DF: one extra change in the specification .. about the Josep remarks. .. case-sensitivity added. K: have not heard about Ryan on this B: let finish the admin parts first --- B. Approve previous meeting minutes, Of 20 August 2013 https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201308/msg00090.html and https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201309/msg00003.html B: move that both emails are the minutes for lest minutes Y: second B: nobody disagree === II XLIFF 2.0 (0:10 - 0:45) DF: feedback for XBench developers about the verification module. .. suggested word-only, cases-sensitive and regex improvements .. I think we can add case-sensitive option (default=yes) in <rule> element. K: I think the suggestion is sound V: should default be yes? B: by default XML is case sensitive, so to me default should be yes V: OK DF: propose to have this addition F: second the proposal DF: taking roll call 1 abstain (Y), all other: 10 yes .. this change is approved --- A. Actions required to stay on track according to our timeline https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201306/msg00042.html -- 1. Readiness for second public review ballot? DF: ready for second PR ballot? .. F added sample in size restriction module Y: typo in example: slr prefix missing for equivStorage DF: we can fix that, doesn't affect the vote T: example B 1.4. shows the various possibilities DF: correction to example are not substantives, so shouldn't affect the vote B: think examples are fine. .. think approving this draft today would be ok .. can have minor editorial fixes .. any question for Tom? .. any questions in general? .. plenty of time look at the new versions. .. please let's go over any question, concerns now. B: wiki tracker should be all OK now. .. not all cell are green, but it's just because I didn't changed it. All items are clear as far as I know. DF: we'll need the wiki tracker fully updated .. for the admin progression .. but we should be ok for this ballot B: schema has been updated too. .. should be in good shape too. DF: just posted the language: DF: I move that the TC approve XLIFF Version 2.0 wd02 and all associated artifacts available together on TC SVN repository as the revision 320 (located here: https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/xliff-20/?rev=320 ) a Committee Specification Draft, designating the html version of the specification as authoritative, and that the TC further approve releasing the Committee Specification Draft for 15 days public review and direct the chair, secretaries, and editors to work with OASIS TC Administration on all tasks required to carry out these directions. B: I second DF: will take the roll call 1 abstain, 9 yes The next draft is a wd02 and for public review for 15 days -- 2. Reference Implementations for XLIFF 2.0 [identify by 16 July] (Kevin) https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201306/msg00040.html B: Kevin raised the issue of the reference implementations .. we'll need some working implementations .. a few people verbally talked about rolling out 2.0 at our latest symposium (e.g. SDL) .. other comments? DF: 2.0 is stable, expect no substantive changes .. if any they would probably go to 2.x, new modules, etc. K: I expect that Ryan and I can provide some reference implementations - in a fashion similar to our demo at the symposium. DF: 2 references implementation in CNGL: SOLAS and LiON (research prototypes) .. need to look at good coverage of the features .. so we have proof of implementatbility B: I intend to support round-trip 2.0 for core, metadata and simple format .. also possible on the XLIFF Drupal module .. any other? DF: Fredrik? F: possibly for the size restriction feature, as a demo tool. No idea about production versions. B: Yves? Y: no time to work more on the Okapi library .. current version probably not completely up-to-date .. no time in foreseeable future DF: what about time line? B: should have the timeline calculation by mid or end of week. .. we probably won't be able to make it in 2013. But suspect it should Q1 2014 should be doable. .. that provides more time for implementations too. .. Chet will start the public review when the spec is ready DF: We should have sub-committee call to discuss statements of use, etc. .. will send the info to TC list. -- Sub Committee report: DF: Peter has not reported on ISO progress .. nothing to report there .. Tom and Fredrik will present on XLIFF 2.0 by the end of the year .. I will do a presentation at LRC conference too .. Bryan will do a presentation on XLIFF+DITA in DITA conf .. LocWorld soon too, 2.0 will be mentioned too. .. London FEISGILTT proceeding will be published on the Localization Review. -- VI: Any Other Bussiness? None Meeting closed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php -- /chet  ---------------- Chet Ensign Director of Standards Development and TC Administration  OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org Primary: +1 973-996-2298 Mobile: +1 201-341-1393   Check your work using the Support Request Submission Checklist at  http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/47248/tc-admin-submission-checklist.html   TC Administration information and support is available at http://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tcadmin Follow OASIS on: LinkedIn:     http://linkd.in/OASISopen Twitter:         http://twitter.com/OASISopen Facebook:   http://facebook.com/oasis.open --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php  

  • 4.  RE: [xliff] Summary of XLIFF TC call of Sep-3-2014 - amended minutes

    Posted 09-03-2013 23:24
    I second.   From: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:xliff@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Dr. David Filip Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 4:13 PM To: Yves Savourel Cc: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: Re: [xliff] Summary of XLIFF TC call of Sep-3-2014 - amended minutes   Thanks Yves, I move that these amended minutes become the meeting minutes of record. *This needs to be seconded by a voter, ideally today* Please object by Wednesday COB PST if you think that these should not become the meeting minutes of record. Please note that the minutes are needed to make the csd/csprd progression through TC administration.   Best regards dF Dr. David Filip ======================= LRC CNGL LT-Web CSIS University of Limerick, Ireland telephone: +353-6120-2781 cellphone: +353-86-0222-158 facsimile: +353-6120-2734 mailto: david.filip@ul.ie   On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 6:20 PM, Yves Savourel < ysavourel@enlaso.com > wrote: Amended minutes: The text of the motion to publish the current editor's draft as wd02 for public review has been amended: it includes now the link to the document for that version. The new text (also present within the summary) reads: DF: I move that the TC approve XLIFF Version 2.0 wd02 and all associated artifacts available together on TC SVN repository as the revision 320 (located here: https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/xliff-20/?rev=320 ) a Committee Specification Draft, designating the html version of the specification as authoritative, and that the TC further approve releasing the Committee Specification Draft for 15 days public review and direct the chair, secretaries, and editors to work with OASIS TC Administration on all tasks required to carry out these directions. -------------------------------------- Summary of XLIFF TC call of Sep-3-2014 -------------------------------------- Present: DavidF, Yves, Bryan, Asanka, DavidW, Fredrik, Helena, Kevin, Shirley, Joachim, Tom, Victor, Uwe. Regrets: Ryan Leave Of Absence: Lucía === I Administration (0:00 - 0:10) B: many things to do .. may be able to have resolution for 2nd public review DF: one extra change in the specification .. about the Josep remarks. .. case-sensitivity added. K: have not heard about Ryan on this B: let finish the admin parts first --- B. Approve previous meeting minutes, Of 20 August 2013 https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201308/msg00090.html and https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201309/msg00003.html B: move that both emails are the minutes for lest minutes Y: second B: nobody disagree === II XLIFF 2.0 (0:10 - 0:45) DF: feedback for XBench developers about the verification module. .. suggested word-only, cases-sensitive and regex improvements .. I think we can add case-sensitive option (default=yes) in <rule> element. K: I think the suggestion is sound V: should default be yes? B: by default XML is case sensitive, so to me default should be yes V: OK DF: propose to have this addition F: second the proposal DF: taking roll call 1 abstain (Y), all other: 10 yes .. this change is approved --- A. Actions required to stay on track according to our timeline https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201306/msg00042.html -- 1. Readiness for second public review ballot? DF: ready for second PR ballot? .. F added sample in size restriction module Y: typo in example: slr prefix missing for equivStorage DF: we can fix that, doesn't affect the vote T: example B 1.4. shows the various possibilities DF: correction to example are not substantives, so shouldn't affect the vote B: think examples are fine. .. think approving this draft today would be ok .. can have minor editorial fixes .. any question for Tom? .. any questions in general? .. plenty of time look at the new versions. .. please let's go over any question, concerns now. B: wiki tracker should be all OK now. .. not all cell are green, but it's just because I didn't changed it. All items are clear as far as I know. DF: we'll need the wiki tracker fully updated .. for the admin progression .. but we should be ok for this ballot B: schema has been updated too. .. should be in good shape too. DF: just posted the language: DF: I move that the TC approve XLIFF Version 2.0 wd02 and all associated artifacts available together on TC SVN repository as the revision 320 (located here: https://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/xliff-20/?rev=320 ) a Committee Specification Draft, designating the html version of the specification as authoritative, and that the TC further approve releasing the Committee Specification Draft for 15 days public review and direct the chair, secretaries, and editors to work with OASIS TC Administration on all tasks required to carry out these directions. B: I second DF: will take the roll call 1 abstain, 9 yes The next draft is a wd02 and for public review for 15 days -- 2. Reference Implementations for XLIFF 2.0 [identify by 16 July] (Kevin) https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201306/msg00040.html B: Kevin raised the issue of the reference implementations .. we'll need some working implementations .. a few people verbally talked about rolling out 2.0 at our latest symposium (e.g. SDL) .. other comments? DF: 2.0 is stable, expect no substantive changes .. if any they would probably go to 2.x, new modules, etc. K: I expect that Ryan and I can provide some reference implementations - in a fashion similar to our demo at the symposium. DF: 2 references implementation in CNGL: SOLAS and LiON (research prototypes) .. need to look at good coverage of the features .. so we have proof of implementatbility B: I intend to support round-trip 2.0 for core, metadata and simple format .. also possible on the XLIFF Drupal module .. any other? DF: Fredrik? F: possibly for the size restriction feature, as a demo tool. No idea about production versions. B: Yves? Y: no time to work more on the Okapi library .. current version probably not completely up-to-date .. no time in foreseeable future DF: what about time line? B: should have the timeline calculation by mid or end of week. .. we probably won't be able to make it in 2013. But suspect it should Q1 2014 should be doable. .. that provides more time for implementations too. .. Chet will start the public review when the spec is ready DF: We should have sub-committee call to discuss statements of use, etc. .. will send the info to TC list. -- Sub Committee report: DF: Peter has not reported on ISO progress .. nothing to report there .. Tom and Fredrik will present on XLIFF 2.0 by the end of the year .. I will do a presentation at LRC conference too .. Bryan will do a presentation on XLIFF+DITA in DITA conf .. LocWorld soon too, 2.0 will be mentioned too. .. London FEISGILTT proceeding will be published on the Localization Review. -- VI: Any Other Bussiness? None Meeting closed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php -- /chet  ---------------- Chet Ensign Director of Standards Development and TC Administration  OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org Primary: +1 973-996-2298 Mobile: +1 201-341-1393   Check your work using the Support Request Submission Checklist at  http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/47248/tc-admin-submission-checklist.html   TC Administration information and support is available at http://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tcadmin Follow OASIS on: LinkedIn:     http://linkd.in/OASISopen Twitter:         http://twitter.com/OASISopen Facebook:   http://facebook.com/oasis.open --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php