OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

  • 1.  Work related to generalization of XACML

    Posted 09-25-2006 05:35
    As I mentioned eariler, we had a student here at SICS looking into how
    to generalize XACML so it can, in addition to Permit and Deny, also
    return "Possible with explicit override". He used obligations to do it,
    so it is related to the recent work, mostly by Bill and Michiharu, on
    combination of obligations.
    His work is available online now at:
    thesis number: No 2006-x-412
    Best regards,

  • 2.  Re: [xacml] Work related to generalization of XACML

    Posted 09-25-2006 05:37
    Sorry, I forgot to mention his name. It is Ja'far Al-Qatawna.
    Erik Rissanen wrote:
    >As I mentioned eariler, we had a student here at SICS looking into how
    >to generalize XACML so it can, in addition to Permit and Deny, also
    >return "Possible with explicit override". He used obligations to do it,
    >so it is related to the recent work, mostly by Bill and Michiharu, on
    >combination of obligations.
    >His work is available online now at:
    >thesis number: No 2006-x-412
    >Best regards,