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Subject: Fwd: [regrep] Follow-up on proposed Joint TC meetings
Maybe this is our April meeting?
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Breininger, Kathryn R" <>
Date: December 19, 2003 6:44:21 PM AST
To: "ebXML Regrep (ebXML Regrep)" <>
Subject: [regrep] Follow-up on proposed Joint TC meetings
The preference from OASIS is to see ebXML TCs meet at New Orleans (dates
set for the week of April 26th) where a number of other OASIS TCs will
be meeting (at the OASIS Symposium currently being arranged). OASIS
would like to see as many TCs in one place at a time as possible. They
will also be holding the OASIS annual members meeting that week as well.
Two days have been set aside for TC meetings (Wed-Thurs). If the ebXML
TCs prefer a standalone event, they can help put it together, but would
rather see ebXML TCs at the same venue as the other OASIS TCs.
This will be on the agenda again at the next ebXML JC meeting in
January. I will provide an update at our next ebXML Registry telecon.
Kathryn Breininger
CENTRAL Project Manager
Emerging Technologies
Boeing Library Services
425-965-0182 phone
425-237-3491 fax
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