OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2009-01-19
* Begin 10:02 EST
* Rollcall
+Robert Weir, IBM (presiding)
+Ming Fei Jia, IBM
+Patrick Durusau, Individual
+David Wheeler, Institute for Defense Analyses
+Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
+Oliver-Rainer Wittmann, Sun Microsystems
+Eric Patterson, Microsoft
+David Faure, KDE e.V
+Jomar Silva, ODF Alliance
+Dennis E. Hamilton, Individual
Stephen Peront, Microsoft
John Madden, Duke University
Voting Members are indicated with a + before their name.
- 10 of 14 voting members (71%) were in attendance, so quorum requirements
were met.
Membership notes:
- John Madden and Stephen Peront will gain voting rights at the
adjournment of today's meeting. Ma Jun loses voting rights.
* Agenda was amended to add discussion of ODF 1.2 proposal integration
(Michael) and approval of revised minutes for January 5th (Rob). The
amended agenda was approved by unanimous consent
* Minutes of the 12 January call were approved by unanimous consent
* Revised minutes of the 5 January call were approved by unanimous consent
* ODF 1.2 Proposals
Approved with understanding that it will need to be reconciled with the
ultimate ODF 1.2 conformance clause, and language around "apparent ODF
document" will need to be refined.
* Integration of ODF 1.2 proposals
Michael reported that he was integrating approved proposals into a new
draft which will be "draft 8". This draft may be adopted officially as a
Committee Draft if the TC wishes.
There was some discussion about standalone versus integrated schemas and
whether we needed to designate one as the normative version. Michael said
that the schema was part of the standard and that it was normative as well
as the text of the standard.
Michael also noted that we will need to reference the schema file by a
well-known URL in the text of ODF 1.2. This may be a URL into our file
repository in our draft versions, but will need to be updated to point to
the public posting area when ODF 1.2 is approved as an OASIS Standard.
* Discussion of ODF 1.2 Conformance Proposals
Michael note that OASIS has new requirements for conformance clauses which
we will need to follow for ODF 1.2. He has been working on two proposals
in parallel for a main conformance clause in ODF 1.2 and wanted feedback
from the TC his 7th iteration of the proposals, on which of the two he
should pursue going forward. One version has two conformance classes for
an ODF document, normal and loose conformance (allowing foreign attributes
and elements), while the other version had only a single document
conformance class (not allowing foreign attributes and elements).
The TC discussed the merits of the two proposals. An informal straw poll
of members present (regardless of voting status) indicated a slight
preference for the single conformance class version, though there was no
consensus. In particular concerns were raised about the adequacy of ODF
1.2 metadata as a substitute for all extensibility purposes, and the
relationship of this change to other areas of extensibility in ODF.
* Adjourned at 11:12