Hi all, Some of you may have noticed that I am running for OASIS Board of Directors. Please be assured that this will in no way affect my commitment to the TOSCA TC. In fact, I have served on the OASIS Board of Directors before, so I am perfectly aware of what the commitment entails. To be honest, it is partly my current experiences as TOSCA Co-Chair, as a consumer of the current OASIS process so-to-speak, that impel me to again offer my service to the OASIS membership as a Director. I would like to see OASIS increase the agility and flexibility of its process while maintaining all its well-deserved advantages of openness in an increasingly international standards arena. If you care to see my platform (1), which mentions the TOSCA TC, I encourage you to do so. Lastly, if you care about TOSCA and the standards development organization that TOSCA lives in, and you work for a Sponsor or Contributor OASIS member, please urge your Primary or Voting representative to vote. If you are not the Primary (or voting) contact for your organization, I urge you to reach out with your views and suggestions to your Primary Contact while you have this in mind. You can usually find your Primary contact on your "My Company" page (2). Of course, I hope that you support my candidacy, and should you have any questions or suggestions on any of this, please feel free to drop me a line, but it is important that every organization exercise its right to vote. (1)
http://www.oasis-open.org/private/elections/2012board/lipton.php (2)
http://www.oasis-open.org/higherlogic/ws/my_company Thanks in advance, Paul Paul Lipton CA Technologies VP, Industry Standards and Open Source Member, CA Council for Technical Excellence Office Phone: +1 609 583-9718 Mobile: +1 267 987-6887 Email: