OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: [office] Proposal: layer-set per page]]

    Posted 07-16-2007 08:24
    Hi David,
    Hi all,
    please find below Christian Lippka's comment regarding layer-sets per page.
    Best regards
    BTW: Christian is an OOo Impress developer.

  • 2.  Re: [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: [office] Proposal: layer-set per page]]

    Posted 09-10-2007 14:56
    please find below Thorsten Zachmann's comments regarding layer-sets per page.
    I'm Thorsten Zachmann and I'm working on KPresenter the presentation 
    application of koffice. Sorry that it took so long to reply to your email.
    I also talked to one of our artists and the developer of Karbon our vector 
    drawing application. I initiated the original proposal of the page layers 
    David sent out.
    On Monday 13 August 2007, Christian Lippka wrote:
    > having individual layers for pages in a drawing document makes perfectly
    > sense as a feature.
    > If I read your proposal correct you want to keep the document wide
    > layers and add
    > optional layers per page. I think this only complicates things. Take
    > your example that
    > when you delete a layer only the shapes that are on that layer on the
    > current slides
    > are deleted. This will only happen if the deleted layer is in fact a
    > layer that is local
    > to the current slide. Deleting a document wide layer will still cause
    > all shapes to be
    > deleted. I think this is a source of major confusion for the users.
    > Also I'm not a fan of user interface dialogs like "do you want to add
    > that layer
    > to the current page only or to the document Yes/No/What?"
    > So my opinion to this proposal is to either define that the page layer
    > completely override the document wide layer or better to define
    > that a document can have either only document wide layer or
    > page layer.
    > Having only page layer and maybe deprecating document wide layer would
    > allow us to add two other nice enhancements.
    Yes you are right, having only page layers simplifies the implementation for 
    us developers. However I think we should come up with a unified way to 
    convert document layers to page layers. This would ease the life of the 
    users. It also would enable us to have a silent conversation form document 
    layers to page layers. 
    However as the features do not fit, as page layers also "influence" the paint 
    order, I think we should at least keep the paint order of the shapes as they 
    are defined in the document and adjust the layer with a best effort strategy. 
    > 1) Layer in other drawing applications always also influence the paint
    > order of the shapes.
    > Therefore if you move one layer behind another layer, you also move the
    > shapes
    > from that layer behind the shapes of the other layer. If we deprecate
    > the old
    > document wide layer we could define this behavior for the page layer and
    > avoid
    > compatibility issues with old documents.
    The talk with the artist revealed that this is the behaviour he prefers.
    > By adding this paint order feature to the layers, one must thing how to
    > handle
    > group shapes. Does it make sense that shapes inside group shapes can
    > have individual layers? Or should only the group shapes on page level have
    > layers and all shapes inside would be forced to the layer of the top
    > group shape?
    > Personally I think only the later makes sense and could be implemented
    > without
    > making this feature to complicated for the end user.
    It also applies to how to handle raise/lower bring to front/send to back. I 
    thing the applications can decide how to handle this cases. Sure when shapes 
    of different layers are grouped together only the shapes can only be part of 
    one layer.
    I think we should keep the behaviour described in ODF 1.1, 9.2.15:
    Drawing shapes are rendered in a specific order. In general, the shapes are 
    rendered in the order in which they appear in the XML document. To change the 
    order, use the svg:z-index attribute.
    With this also applications which do not support layers still display the 
    shapes in the right order.
    > 2) Layer settings are currently application view settings
    > In OpenOffice.org a layer can be visible or hidden, printable or non
    > printable and
    > locked or non locked. These are implemented as view settings and therefore
    > stored like the other settings as generic and undocumented data.
    > OOo supports these settings individual for each open view. This may make
    > sense
    > for the visibility flag, so you want a layer visible in one view and not
    > visible in
    > the next. But that does not make much sense for printing and lock. Those
    > attributes are definitely document settings.
    > And even for the visibility the current feature is flawed as OOo only
    > saves one
    > view, so the per view information is lost.
    > Therefore I would suggest to also add these three layer properties directly
    > to the page layer in the document and making them therefore document
    > settings.
    We fully agree in this point that these setting should be document settings.
    Have a nice week.
    Thorsten Zachmann
    David Faure, faure@kde.org, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
    Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org), and KOffice (http://www.koffice.org).