OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

Groups - Hierarchical Resource Profile WD 8b (xacml-3[1].0-hierarchical-v1-spec-wd-08b-en-02.doc) uploaded

  • 1.  Groups - Hierarchical Resource Profile WD 8b (xacml-3[1].0-hierarchical-v1-spec-wd-08b-en-02.doc) uploaded

    Posted 04-07-2009 02:54
    This document, version 8b, has had the p-code of section 3.3.1 revised to
    include both hierarchies and DAGs, in order to fully represent the
    capabilities of the profile. 
    This document replaces version "8a" (which is now referenced as such avoid
    ambiguity with the original version 8) 
    This document is intended to be merged with the original version 8, 
     -- Rich Levinson
    The document named Hierarchical Resource Profile WD 8b
    (xacml-3[1].0-hierarchical-v1-spec-wd-08b-en-02.doc) has been submitted by
    Rich Levinson to the OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language
    (XACML) TC document repository.
    Document Description:
    XACML Hierarchical Resource Profile
    View Document Details:
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    -OASIS Open Administration