OASIS Code List Representation TC

Agenda for Code List Representation TC call 22 January 2021 15:00UTC

  • 1.  Agenda for Code List Representation TC call 22 January 2021 15:00UTC

    Posted 01-19-2021 02:57
    Although not all members yet have responded to the Doodle poll at https://doodle.com/poll/tx9ci3p4f33qedwq for now the meetings are going to be on Fridays at 15:00UTC (sorry Dennis!!). Agenda for Code List Representation TC call 22 January 2021 15:00UTC ===================================================================== http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=2021-01-22T15:00:00 Time of day: 09:00MSP/10:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/16:00Europe/02:00Sydney Conferencing info ----------------- Meeting ID: 878 5955 1232 Passcode: codelist Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87859551232?pwd=d25YcldKVUtMRzRJc3p4UWE4NllsZz09 Members ------- Todd Albers (Member) Kenneth Bengtsson (Member) Andrea Caccia (Member) Jim Harris (Member) Philip Helger (Member) Ken Holman (Chair pro-tem) Natalie Muric (Member) Dennis Weddig (Member) TC Vitality Check - Re-chartering the CLR TC -------------------------------------------- According to the new TC Process ( https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process-2017-05-26/#tcVitality ), our committee is long past the 4-year limit to review the committee existence, the chairs, the charter, and the deliverables. So this is our first item of business. And we need to do this anyway to know what work is going to be done moving forward. Please review our current charter: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/codelist/charter.php Please be aware that Ken would prefer someone take over the chairmanship of this committee, knowing he is available for guidance when needed and will participate in the documentation and artefacts production as he is able. Our TC home page is at: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/codelist Per the process: The TC must decide one on the following actions by Full Majority Vote [more than 50% of participating voting members in the vote agree]: * Continue the TC with its current charter; * Continue the TC through a charter clarification (Section 1.8); * Recharter the TC (Section 1.9); or * Close the TC. Proposed action: Recharter the TC by Special Majority Vote [more than 67% of eligible voting members agree; less than 25% of eligible voting members disagree; resolution required] IPR Mode unchanged: RF under limited terms Election of officer(s): There is a process to be followed described at https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/oasis-committee-operations-process/#chairs ... after discussion at the next meeting Ken will put out the formal 7-day request. There is no such process nor even a definition for the Secretary office, but I encourage members to consider how they can help the co-chairs in such an assistance role. Every two years a Committee must re-appoint its chair(s). A call for candidates must be requested through the committee's general email list inviting candidacy to be posted to that list. Committee members have 7 days after being notified to propose themselves as a candidate. All Committee members are eligible to apply including current and past chairs; no term limits apply. After the 7 Days candidacy period, if seats are contested, a ballot must be run to select the chair(s). Charter: - we are continuing to capture ideas; the work below is not at all finalized - action - request a charter template from OASIS TC Administration <tc-admin@oasis-open.org> before next meeting - this was done and our template satisfies the need except for an addition noted below - name - unchanged: Code List Representation Technical Committee - background - make reference to 15944-10 and the need for semantic perspective of our work - purpose - remove explicit reference to XML - comment on syntax bindings to the semantics of code lists - required to add a sub-section on "Business benefits" - scope - reflect the multiple syntax bindings, not just XML - "models" not just UML - make reference to 15944-10 - we do not publish lists, only the technologies supporting the representation of lists - do we include some kind of specification of operations on a code list e.g. create, add, delete, update? - do we make explicit mention of taking genericode to ISO as a PAS submission? - deliverables - semantic model of genericode - possibly include sample non-normative software for transliteration between syntaxes - possibly enforce backward compatibility (or even no changes) to existing genericode - new syntaxes and schemas - Schematron value validation script - IPR mode - unchanged: RF on limited terms - audience - revisit this in light of 15944-10 vocabulary, e.g. "Source Authority" - language - unchanged: English Regarding ISO standardization, Ken walked through an ISO/IEC specification of the semantics of code lists - ISO/IEC 15944-10 IT-enabled coded domains as semantic components in business transactions - https://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/index.html - perhaps justify genericode to ISO/IEC JTC 1 as a PAS submission of an FSV implementation of the BOV concepts in Part 10? - please note some observations from Ken: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/codelist/202101/msg00002.html GitHub - https://github.com/oasis-tcs/codelist-genericode - Ken has begun populating the repository with legacy items and new contributions from him - at the earliest convenience would all members please forward to me in private email the required GitHub credentials (I'm asking everyone so that there will be no delays if you need to be called on during the project to make changes for a pull request): Identify one or more TC members willing and qualified to serve as initial Maintainer(s) for the GitHub repository. Supply: Maintainer's personal name, Maintainer' GitHub individual user account name matching the personal name, and Maintainer's email address. Discussion about the documentation - highlight issues Other Business -------------- As comes forward. -- Contact info, blog, articles, etc. http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/ Check our site for free XML, XSLT, XSL-FO and UBL developer resources Streaming hands-on XSLT/XPath 2 training class @US$125 (5 hours free) Essays (UBL, XML, etc.) http://www.linkedin.com/today/author/gkholman