I think that the input we have received from the list(s) indicates
that a clarification is necessary. Erik's proposed version looks good
to me.
On Jul 15, 2009, at 5:28 AM, Erik Rissanen wrote:
> All,
> The proposed text below for the x500 match function from the last
> meeting minutes reverses the behaviour of the two arguments compared
> to the current specification. And I am not sure I like the term
> "root of the subtree". A root is typically a single node, not a
> sequence of nodes, as in this case.
> BTW, I have doubts about making any change to this definition. I
> think the current definition is quite clear, and if we change it,
> somebody may think that we have changed the behaviour. But if we
> think it needs clarification, then I propose this instead:
> "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:x500Name-match
> This function shall take two arguments of
> 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:data-type:x500Name'
> and shall return an 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean'. It
> SHALL return “True” if and only if the subtree specified by the
> first argument matches, beginning at the root, the subtree
> specified by the
> second argument, when compared using x500Name-equal and the length
> of the second subtree is larger than or equal to the length of the
> first subtree."
> BTW, there is something wrong going on here. The function name is
> "...:xacml:1.0:...", but the data type of its arguments is
> "...:xacml:2.0:...". It's like that in the 2.0 spec as well. Does
> anyone know what's going on here?
> Best regards,
> Erik
> Bill Parducci wrote:
>> 3. Issues
>> x.500
>> Bill offered that David Chadwick's proposed text is a more precise
>> statement of the intended functionality and suggests that we
>> adopt it
>> as a clarifying edit.
>> "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:x500Name-match
>> This function shall take two arguments of
>> 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:data-type:x500Name'
>> and shall return an 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean'. It
>> SHALL return “True” if and only if the subtree specified by the
>> first argument matches the root of the subtree specified by the
>> second argument, when compared using x500Name-equal and the length
>> of the first subtree is larger than or equal to the length of the
>> second subtree."
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